I am using DEMOAC MCF51AC256 EVB.
I am not able to execute the sample applications given at http://www.axman.com/?q=node/329
When I try to run Accel_Demo application it is giving message “ILLEGAL_BP” in command window and program stops executing.
I have also tried to run simple example to ON/OFF LED using Processor Export. This example is only executing using internal clock and when Debugger is not connected. I am not able to debug step-by-step. This example is also not working using external clock.
Please let me know what could be the reason.
I want to tell you that I have the same problem exactly.We have the same board and I think that it's impossible to do something.
I did a lot of thing.I tried to use P&Micro usb multilink interface Rev.C.But nothing !
Me too I can see an illegal BP message and it's impossible to break.I tried to add some instruction in the startup file to disable watchdog.Infact this Illegal BP message I think that is made from COP.
Try do add at the startup file after the instruction move.w #0x2700,sr the instructions
moveq #32,d0 // move.b d0,0xffff9802 to disable COP.
After these simple operations I didn't have more this message but it's impossible to set a breakpoint and debug a program and to do something.
I'm a bit surprised because never I had this kind of problems.
I think that from a wizard created project the board should work immediately.With HCS12 boards I work very very good.