make: *** No rule to make target `P:/demo/telnet_to_serial/lw_telnet.c', needed by `Source/lw_telnet.d'. telnet2ser_twrmcf51cn
Invalid project path: Include path not found (P:\demo\telnet_to_serial). telnet2ser_twrmcf51cn
Invalid project path: Include path not found (P:\lib\twrmcf51cn.cw10). telnet2ser_twrmcf51cn
Invalid project path: Include path not found (P:\lib\twrmcf51cn.cw10\mqx). telnet2ser_twrmcf51cn
Invalid project path: Include path not found (P:\lib\twrmcf51cn.cw10\rtcs). telnet2ser_twrmcf51cn
The examplefolder is: C:\Program Files\Freescale\Freescale MQX 3.6\demo\telnet_to_serial\cw10\telnet2ser_twrmcf51cn but there are no subdirectories in there. No lib folder.
Is this a CW10 problem that I willget rid of if I use an older CW? Where du I change the path?
已解决! 转到解答。
I was able to figure it out.
To keep the explanation simple... Since my projects are located a C:\CW, one must change the value of MQX_PATH (located in C/C++ Build > Build Variables) with a value of:
C:\Program Files\Freescale\Freescale MQX 3.6
(The old value was ${ProjDirPath}\..\..\..\..\..\..\.. )
Also, change the value of MQX_PATH (located at C/C++ General > Linked Resources) with:
C:\Program Files\Freescale\Freescale MQX 3.6
(The old value was and empty string, no value).
Please see attached images.
Hmm.. I think so.. I have tried many examples and labs, both from MQX and CF10 and I can't remember wich I tried it on. Now I´ve uninstalld CW10 and installed CW6.3. I have tried the video tutorial from the help menu (the blinking LED) and it works like a charm!
Can I have both CW10 and CW6.3 installed at the same time?
I reinstalled CW10 and MQX 3.6.2 and i import existing project, telnet security for MCF51CN128. Again i got the error message:
make: *** No rule to make target" followed by a faulty file path.
I changed the MQX_PATH under properties/Linked Resources and now I get other errors and warnings about "include path's" se picture.
Where do I change the include path? And why are they wrong from the beginning?
In order to adjust the include paths process as follows:
- In the "CodeWarrior Projects" view click right in your project name
- In the drop down menu select "Properties"
- Go to "C/C++ Build" > Settings Page
- Switch to :ColdFire Compiler: > "Input" panel
- You can adjust the User and system paths there.
Include paths might be wrong if you imported the project on a different Host and they are defined using an absolute path or invalid recursive paths.
Hello, I am having the same problem too. I have tried various examples also.
Here is a screen shot after importing the hvac example for twrmcf52259. Notice that it seems the {MQX_PATH} is being ignored. Is this a bug?
I also tried this on another computer, same problems.
Codewarrior 10 Special Edition
Windows XP Pro
MQX 3.6.2
PEMicro USB ColdFire Multilink.
Custom Target based on Coldfire MCF52259.
I was able to figure it out.
To keep the explanation simple... Since my projects are located a C:\CW, one must change the value of MQX_PATH (located in C/C++ Build > Build Variables) with a value of:
C:\Program Files\Freescale\Freescale MQX 3.6
(The old value was ${ProjDirPath}\..\..\..\..\..\..\.. )
Also, change the value of MQX_PATH (located at C/C++ General > Linked Resources) with:
C:\Program Files\Freescale\Freescale MQX 3.6
(The old value was and empty string, no value).
Please see attached images.