The message is generated in the simulator only as far as I remember.
It indicates that you are reading from an address, which has not been initialized previously.
I assume the issue is related to the variable/macro POS1, POS2, POS3, POS4. I do not know where these variables are located, but they need to be initialized with something first.
You have several solution to make sure this happens:
- In the HCS08FCS menu you have a set of dialog available where you can provide some
input value to diverse peripheral.
If POS1, POS2, POS3, POS4 are mapped to any of these registers, just specify an initialization
value there.
- There are commands associated with each of the peripheral modules you find in the HCS08FCS
menu. You can find a list of available commands in {Install}Help\PDF\Debugger_HC08.pdf in Chapter
"Book III - HCS08 Debug Connections" section "HCS08 Full Chip Simulation" -> "Peripheral Modules
Just specify the appropriate command in the file {Project}\cmd\postload.cmd.
- If there is no peripheral modules command available for the variables/macros, you can use
the debugger command WB, WW or WL to write to the appropriate address.
These commands are described in {Install}Help\PDF\Debugger_HC08.pdf in Chapter
"Book V - Commands" section "Debugger Commands".
Here also, place the commands in the the file {Project}\cmd\postload.cmd .
I hope this helps.