I am developing the device drivers for Mamba(5674F). I am using Code warrior 2.10(CW55xx_v2_10_EVAL) version for my codebuild. The Codewarrior generates two files: 1. Executable file(*.elf) and the other is symbols file(*.mot).
I would like to flash the files using Lauterbach T32 software. But T32 is looking for *.elf and *.s19 file.
1.Can any body help me in showing me how to convert *.mot to *.s19 file
2.or Can I flash *.elf and *.mot using the Lauter Bach T32 software
The .mot file is already an S-record file. You should not need to do anything, except perhaps rename .mot to .s19 if you like.
Hey Rizwan,
You only need to flash the .elf file. Lauterbach will handle this file happily. It has the code and the symbolic debug information.