In this days I'm using the MKL05Z32VLC because is a MCU that have lower cost for my application, I want to use this MCU to control a LED displays and I need to use the timmer, but the SDK doesn't support this device, now I'm using CodeWarrior V11.1 for MCU, but I don't find more information to do use the timmer for this device.
Best regards.
Yes, there isn't KL05 SDK. If you use CodeWarrior, there is rarely demos for KL05 PIT/LPTMR. You can find demos for PWM/RTC in File->Import->CodeWarrior->Example Project_>Kinetis Example Projects(Processor Expert).
Another way is using KDS(Kinetis Develop Studio). Then you can refer to KL03 and KL25's sdk and demo. Drivers are same. It just need you to learn how to call them.
Yes, I actually using CodeWarrior for this MCU I using the Processor Expert for control to the timer by DMA but I want debug by CMSIS DAP, is possible?
Thanks Jing Pan.
Yes, CMSIS-DAP is fine. CodeWarrior can support it.
And you have documentation for to make CMSIS-DAP link compatible with CodeWarrior, I searched information for this but I don’t found :smileysad:
Thanks and best regards Jing.
What debug probe do you use? Do you use FRDM-KL05?
You can download driver from OpenSDA Serial and Debug Adapter | NXP