Thanks mke_et and BlackNight!
I did check out my power management settings first thing, but I didn't have any luck. These are the settings:
Turn off monitor after 1 hour.
Turn off hard disks after 3 hours.
System standby: Never
System hibernate: Never
Unless I'm overlooking something, I don't see how this could be the culprit.
Sadly, the problem has returned with a vengeance!!
I can replug the dongle, compile my project, make a quick (10 second) code change, and try to compile again and it will say that I'm limited to 1023 bytes of code!
The LED doesn't always go out, either. Sometimes the IDE will report that it is in demo mode while the LED is still on. So far, if I unplug and replug the dongle and immediately compile, it works.
I haven't yet been able to try your suggestion to test the system on another PC, but I guess I'll try that tonight.
The way my luck seems to be going lately, I'll find out that this problem is isolated to just my PC. In that case, I guess the next step after that is to try reinstalling Windows XP, and if that doesn't work, maybe asking the boss for a new PC. :smileysad:
Thanks for the suggestions though!