当TJA1145 处于睡眠模式时,使用特定ID能够唤醒程序,但是使用非特定ID不能唤醒,之后再使用特定ID也不能唤醒程序,查看寄存器0x22的值发现由0x28变为0x30。
For TJA1145 with the dedicated wakeup frame, the internal decoder will be activated when TJA1145 receive the first CAN message in sleep. Hence, two frames should be sent at once, the second frame must meet the wake-up requirements, and then TJA1145 will wake up. As the decoder is designed for low consumption, if there is only one frame message, TJA1145 will stay in sleep mode.
Please keep the interval between two frames within tto(silence):
BR, Tomas