Is there any RTOS support available for MK22FX512 controller? If yes than Please share docs and sample example code.
Thanks in Advance,
Mayur Savaj
Hi @Mayur Savaj
I'm using FreeRTOS, and have examples on GitHub:
mcuoneclipse/Examples/MCUXpresso/K22FX512 at master · ErichStyger/mcuoneclipse · GitHub
FreeRTOS is included in the NXP MCUXpresso SDK and the MCUXpresso IDE includes nice views and support for it.
I hope this helps,
I suggest you use FreeRTOS. You can download the SDK for the K22FX512 and add the FreeRTOS, after downloading it you will find some example codes that you can use as reference.
I hope this helps, have a nice day!