I have created a bareboard hello world application in the CodeWarrior for T2081 processor.
I can able to debug the application and i want to flash the application.
Is this RCW needed for the bareboard application to flash and boot?
Could you please provide the procedure for creating boot image(boot.bin) and flashing the bareboard application on the T2081 processor?
1. Configure the CodeWarrior as ROM version and build this project.
2. Please use the following command to convert the ELF file to bin file.
C:\Users\nxa22585>C:\Freescale\CW_PA_v10.5.1\Cross_Tools\gcc-4.9.2-Ee6500-aeabi\bin\powerpc-aeabi-objcopy.exe -O binary -S C:\Users\nxa22585\Downloads\t2080rdb\t2081-core00\ROM\t2081-core00.elf C:\Users\nxa22585\Downloads\t2080rdb\t2081-core00\ROM\test.bin
3. Please refer to T2081QDS_gcc-aeabi_ROM.lcf to deploy the test.bin file at 0xEFF00000 on NOR flash.
You need to program RCW on the target board first.
For flash programming, please refer to https://community.nxp.com/t5/CodeWarrior-Development-Tools/Flash-Programmer-for-CodeWarrior-Power-Ar...
Hi @yipingwang ,
Currently I'm working on the T2080RDB,I have created the ROM version of the project and created the boot.bin file with using the mentioned command.
I have flashed the PBL.bin at the starting address 0xE0000000 and the boot.bin file in the 0xE7F00000 where my unprotected region of my NOR flash is 0xE0000000 to 0xE7FFFFFF and the protected region is 0xE8000000 to 0xEFFFFFFF.
After that I can able to flash but the booting is not happening.
I have created the ROM version of the project in the codewarrior , while debugging the project it not stopping in the main function.
Can you tell me how to debug the ROM version for the codewarrior?
I have done the modification in the T2080RDB-PCIe_gcc-aeabi_ROM.lcf . I have attached the lcf file with the modification have some errors mentioned in the screenshot.
Can you tell me any other configuration have to do for the booting have happen?
What is the size of your binary file?
What address did your program it at?
Please define lcf file as the following, and program the bin file at 0xEFF00000.
Hi @yipingwang , thanks for your response.
In my nor flash the address start from the 0xE0000000 to 0xE7FFFFFF is in unprotected and the address from 0xE8000000 to 0xEFFFFFFF is in protected mode.
I have tried to flash in 0xEFF00000 , it showing write protected error, flash not happened.
So, I flashed at 0xE7F00000 but the booting is not happening.
Where I have to flash my boot.bin file so that it can boot?
In this T2081QDS_gcc-aeabi_ROM.lcf file any modification have to do , can you tell the modifications?
bootloader image should be deployed at the end of the NOR flash.