I have a MPC8313ERDB and USBTAP,i want to debug the project wizard made in ROM VERSION mode,but the README saynce the image is in ROM, you can debug it with the ROM Version
target. but,i download the .elf file to which addr? 0xFFF00000? the xor flash has 8MB Memory,and RCW write to 0xFE000000,there have many range ,it can't work in my board.who can give me a particular way to debug the project.
You can indeed debug the ROM VERSION of your project but the code must be programmed into flash memory first. Use the CodeWarrior Flash Programmer to program your ROM.elf file into flash. Refer to the CodeWarrior documentation for working with the Flash Programmer. Then once you get your code into flash you should be able to debug the ROM VERSION of your project.
If you have built the program using the CodeWarrior New Project wizard and chose the ROM build target, the proper addresses for download into non-volatile memory should be preset. If the processor supports hardware breakpoints, you can set set a few breakpoints in the firmware memory and the processor will trap on them.