MCUXpresso IDE v11.0.0 Now Available

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MCUXpresso IDE v11.0.0 Now Available

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
5 0 4,636

We are pleased to announce that MCUXpresso IDE v11.0.0 (build 2516) is now available.


This is a major new version of the IDE, and contains many new features and enhancements over the previous MCUXpresso IDE v10.3.1 and earlier releases. The attached presentation, recommended viewing for all users (new or experienced), provides an overview of many of the major changes, as well as things to be aware of when upgrading from an earlier release:


To download the installers for all platforms, please login to our download site via: 


Additional information can be found in the updated User Guide and other documentation, which can be accessed from the built in help system available via IDE's Help menu and in PDF form from within the installation directory or downloaded from:


Summary of Changes - version 11.0.0 - June 2019

  • Upgraded underlying Eclipse Framework to 4.10.0v201812 / CDT 9.6.0

  • Upgraded supplied GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain to GCC8 (2018q4-major)

  • Windows version of product now only runs on Win64 (IDE v10.3.1 and earlier ran on Win32 & Win64 platforms). Note that this change has been driven by the fact that Eclipse framework is now 64-bit only. [ Ubuntu and MacOS versions of product already only ran on 64-bit platforms.]

  • Updated version of "busybox", used on Windows to provide a Unix-like layer for GCC tools to run under, to "GNU MCU Eclipse Windows Build Tools" v2.12 (64bit)

  • Added support for MCUXpresso SDK v2.6

  • Upgraded integrated version of MCUXpresso Config Tools to v6

  • Revamped Develop Perspective with some new and additional views shown by default. Also decluttered by removal of some less commonly used views. Most of the removed views can be added back via the new 'Analysis' menu

  • New "Image Info" View improves and extends on the functionality previously provided by the “Symbols Browser” view, giving the following analysis of a project build:

    • Overall memory usage
    • Content of memory regions

    • Static call graph, including stack usage information

  • New "Heap and Stack Usage" view provides ability to track heap and stack usage during debug of baremetal projects

  • Implemented "editor awareness" for linker map files, linker scripts and linker script templates, providing syntax coloring as well as navigation of file contents via the Outline view

  • Improved display of components in New Project Wizard and Managed Components dialog. Display of different component types is now tabbed, with an additional summary of the components selected

  • The New Project Wizard will now open the main source file in the Editor view after project creation

  • When importing a single SDK example, the wizard will now attempt to open the main source file in the Editor view after project creation. This functionality can also be enabled when importing multiple examples through a workspace preference

  • Improved support for Cortex-M33 Secure / Non-Secure projects. Improvements include :

    • Secure and Non-Secure projects more closely linked from build / project configuration point of view
    • Debugging Secure project will automatically build Non-Secure project and program it into flash, before launching Secure project debug session
    • Symbols for Non-Secure project automatically loaded into debug session to allow user to step from Secure world into Non-Secure (with source code visibility)

Note that these improvements also require SDK v2.6 for the MCU being targeted

  • Improved Launch Configurations for LinkServer. Main user impact is that this allows a more friendly way of editing launch configuration settings. Some launch configuration functionality now also provided in “standard” Eclipse/CDT tabs rather than in LinkServer specific manner. LinkServer Launch configurations from older IDE versions will be automatically converted to the new format
  • New launch configuration tab (for all debug probe types) to allow loading of debug symbols from additional images (in addition to the ones from the main image being debugged)

  • Improvements to performance of single stepping for LinkServer debug connections

  • Implemented support for SWO Trace on Cortex-M33 based MCUs

  • "Live Variables" functionality inside the Global Variables view now supported using SEGGER J-Link and P&E Micro debug probes (in addition to LinkServer debug connections)

  • FreeRTOS TAD functionality now directly implemented within the IDE, rather than being a separate plugin

    • Improved look and feel to better match rest of IDE
    • Timeout period for FreeRTOS TAD increased, to help prevent reading of data failing on slow debug connections. IDE preference also added to allow timeout period to be changed
    • Fixed issue with Runtime not showing when compiler optimizations turned on
    • Fixed issue with Timer List with FreeRTOS 10.2 release
  • Fixed issue with IDE losing C library include paths. This did not prevent projects from building but meant that indexer-related functionality reliant on these paths would not work correctly (for instance trying to open a C library include file from the editor). This issue could also cause Newlib projects to sometimes appear to be using Redlib include files.

Note: Existing projects can be "fixed" using Tools->Fixup Parsers option on the Project Properties view's context sensitive menu

  • New projects now compile with the --fstack-usage option by default (needed for callgraph functionality in the "Image Info" view)

  • Quickstart Panel - Quick Settings menu can now indicate current value for Debug Console, Floating Point and Library settings for current build configuration of selected project

  • New projects now link with --cref option by default (increasing level of information provided in linker map files)

  • Improved performance of installing/loading SDKs, largely by re-architecting the way that SVD peripheral definition files from the SDK are processed

  • Installed SDKs view updated so that detailed information on contents of selected SDK is hidden by default, but with new Hide/Show button to display when required

  • SDK default folder mechanism updated to install SDKs into an "02" subdirectory by default. This means that SDKs installed by IDE v11.0.0 will not be visible to older versions of the IDE

  • Improved ability to select debug console type (semihosting vs UART vs any preference specified by example definition) when importing SDK examples. This is particularly useful when multiple projects are selected for importing at the same time

  • Tweaked code generated for main() by New Project Wizard for SDK projects such that the infinite loop at the end of the function can be successfully single stepped at the source level

  • Fixed issue with default compiler options set by SDK New Project wizard when creating C++ projects. Such projects now also created with "cpp_config.cpp" file containing minimal implementations of the new/delete operators and the verbose terminate handler for exceptions suitable for embedded use. This brings SDK C++ projects inline with C++ projects created with the New Project Wizard for preinstalled parts

  • Some performance improvements when making a board selection in New Project Wizard and Import SDK example(s) wizard

  • Fixed issue with IDE incorrectly warning about overlapping memory regions when importing some SDK examples, when the memory regions are actually just adjacent

  • Fixed issue with IDE being unable to show the context sensitive menu in the Project Properties view for makefile projects in some circumstances

  • Fixed issue with handling of part support information for MCUs which are supported by internal part support, but for which an SDK exists and has been installed into the IDE

  • Various updates and clean up of icons. In particular, new icon for "LinkServer" now used in various places instead of general MCUXpresso IDE one

  • Fixed issue with various tables displayed by IDE failing to display "..." to indicate truncation, when amount of text to
    display exceeds space currently available in column

  • Various fixes to SDK Editor / Creator

  • Fixed issue with managed linker script mechanism when building master projects linking in slave projects containing data with larger than normal alignment

  • Fixed issue with managed linker script mechanism which was causing some sections (such as .bss) to be erroneously assigned unnecessary load addresses

  • Fixed issue with section name wildcards used in managed linker script mechanism , which could prevent __BSS/__DATA macros from working as expected in some circumstances

  • On Managed Linker Script page of Project Properties, IDE now autoconverts any "\" directory separators entered into "Script path" to Unix style "/" expected by the linker

  • Added implementations of inverse hypobolic functions to Redlib (acosh/acoshf, asinh/asinhf and atanh/atanhf)

  • Improved Redlib definition of HUGE_VAL (and other related defines) in math.h. Also updated way float_t defined

  • arm_acle.h header file now on the search path for projects linking against Redlib (providing various ARM C language extension intrinsics). Previously this was only available for Newlib linked projects

  • IDE now prioritizes use of IDE supplied LinkServer flash drivers over any contained in installed SDKs (rather than the other way around). This behaviour can be reverted if necessary using an IDE workspace preference

  • Fixed various issues with creation of multiple launch configurations for a particular build configuration in a project

  • Fixed issue with creation of launch configurations if previous attempt was cancelled

  • "Attach-only" debug sessions no longer trigger a build before starting the debug connection (as long as image has already built)

  • Improved size and layout of Launch Configuration Selection Dialog (displayed when project contains launch configurations for multiple probe types)

  • Fixed issue with display of cycle counters in Registers View

  • Fixed issue with GUI Flash Tool via LinkServer with LPC51U68 and KL28 MCUs

  • Fixed issue with debug restart with QN9080 via LinkServer

  • Fixed issue with LinkServer FreeRTOS thread awareness with Cortex-M33 based MCUs (and CM33 aware versions of FreeRTOS)

  • Implemented preliminary support for carrying out SWO Trace using CMSIS-DAP probes that implement "CMSIS-SWO commands" (as opposed to the bespoke SWO support implemented by NXP's LPC-Link2 CMSIS-DAP firmware). This has currently only received limited tested using ULINKplus probes with CMSIS-DAP v1.x.x firmware.
    Note : MCUXpresso IDE does not support the use of WinUSB endpoints as provided by CMSIS-DAP v2.x.x firmware

  • New IDE workspace preference to allow debug launch configurations for SEGGER J-Link probes to be created with FreeRTOS thread awareness already enabled (off by default)

  • Upgraded to a later version of the P&E Micro plugin (v4.1.3)

  • Upgraded to a later version of the SEGGER software (v6.44i)