In working with the S32K344, I'd like to implement NVM via simulated EEPROM.
From what I'm putting together in reading Autosar docs, my app layer will command Fee, and Fls will interface to the microcontroller's flash memory.
I've added the Fee and Fls peripherals to my Simulink project and configured them in the same manner as the Fee/Fls example in S32DS (C example).
After some struggles, my Simulink project builds. Now, I'm not sure which blocks to leverage to interface with the Fee peripheral. I think I need to start interfacing with the QSPI?
I think FEE interfaces with FLS:
Then FLS interfaces with both QSPI and S32K344 memory blocks:
1. Is my understanding correct?
2. How do I interface with FEE from Simulink (memory block, register block, or SPI block?)
3. Anyone have an NVM.slx they can share as an example?
(FYI, my project is in NXP MBDS blocks version 1.2.2.)