i'm missing something very elementry i'm sure! the code is very simple and disassembles as expected. the programming script runs with no errors. of note, when i go to the memory window and check the reset vector the entire ec00 to ffff shows "rr" for data. if i go to the assembly window it shows the code as written. if i click on the right hand scroll bar the code changes to seemingly random code. the programer is functional as i have programmed some qt4 devices with no problem. what am i doing wrong?
thanks in advance
ed taylor
; export symbols
XDEF _Startup, main
INCLUDE derivative.inc
; INCLUDE MC68HC908JK3.inc ; 'derivative.inc'
INCLUDE ed.inc
; variable/data section
;MY_ZEROPAGE: SECTION SHORT ; Insert here your data definition
RAMStart EQU $0080 ; absolute address to place my variables
variable1: RMB 1
; code section
_Startup: rsp
;hardware init
mov #%11111111, DDRA ;porta is not bonded set as outputs
mov #%00001100, DDRB ;portb d7..d4 analog, d3=redled d2 grnled, d1,d0 mono8 interface
mov #%00110011, DDRD ;portd d7,d6 undefined digital inputs, d5,d4 injector drv, d3,d2 analog current monitors d1,d0 unbonded
; bset 3,PTB
; bset 5,PTD
; bset 4,PTD
LDA #%00001100
sta PTB
bra *
; CLI ; enable interrupts
; Insert your code here
; feed_watchdog
BRA mainLoop
;* Interrupt Vectors *
; org $FFDE ;beginning of QY4/QT4 vectors
;VADC: fdb spurious ;point to alternate vectors
;VKBD: fdb spurious
;* There is a gap from $FFE2-FFF1 that is used for user monitor code
org $FFF2 ;skip unused vector locations
;VTOF: fdb spurious
;VTCH1: fdb t1_isr
;VTCH0: fdb t0_isr
; fdb $FFFF ;fill unused location with $FFFF
;VIRQ: fdb spurious
;VSWI: fdb spurious ;SWI service routine in Mon08 ROM
org $FFFE
VRESET: fdb main ;to start of user code