Hello I've come to you as my last resort because I am not able to configure a simple pins.
I want porta as a output. I set port_ptad = 0x0F and port_ptaoe = 0x0F
in other hand I realice that porta2 and porta3 can operate as a sci or iic, so I set SYS_SOPT1 register, bit IICPS = 1. And so, i set my pins as I/O port.
When I try to test all pins it turns out that porta2 and porta3 don't have tensions.
At the end, I came to datasheet to study SDA(PTA2)/SCL(PTA3) structure (page 148 datahseet) and I cannot understand how I could send tension to the output pins.
Yes I know, but how could I come out data from there?
recommend that you add an external pull up ( if you do not have it yet) and use the following code (this is just for the PTA2 )
//PTA2's Output Enable Register is set to enable output
//PTA2 pin is driven low
Also you can set the internal pull up but I recommend using the external one
PORT_PTAPE_PTAPE2 = 1; // internal pull up enable
I hope this will help you
Please be aware that the
PTA2 and PTA3 operate as true-open drain when working as output
I hope this will help you
have a good day