Hello, I'm trying to develop an application based on the ZSTAR3 system. For that I'm trying to purchase a ZSTAR USB node and 4 or 5 ZSTAR3 accelerometer sensor boards, which led me to a couple of questions: 1- I've contacted my local distributor and they only have the ZTAR2 Development board. Is it possible to buy a ZSTAR USB node and 5 ZSTAR3 accelerometer sensor boards directly from Freescale? 2- Although the software that comes with the ZSTAR3 development boards is very good to get a initial sense of this development board, I would like to use the ZSTAR3 hardware and develop my own application: 2.1- Is it possible to reprogram the USB stick and/or the sensor boards? 2.2- If not, can I use the data that arrives to the USB port and develop my own application, in Visual Studio for example? 2.3- If so, where can I get more information on how to use the data or more information on the protocol your software uses to communicate with the USB stick? Thanks in advance. Regards, Pedro Silva