I am setting the ICG and TPM Timer registers with an external oscillator of 27MHz
For MC9S08GT60: FBE Bypassed external mode
/* Using an external 27Mhz crystal
_ICGC1.ICGC1Data = 0x54;
_ICGC2.ICGC2Data = 0x01;
/* Set the status and control register for the TPM. */
_TPM1SC.TPM1SCData = 0x4f; /*prescaler is 128*/
_TPM1MODH.Data = 0xff;
_TPM1MODL.Data = 0xff;
We were getting a timer interrupt every 5 ms.
But with MC9S08AC128 with all the same register bit setting ,we are not getting 5 ms interrupt instead 1.2s interrupt.
But when I changed the Modulus value to 0x106 ,it gets the interrupt at 5ms .I am not sure why there is a difference since the registers are all same and external frequency .Do you have any clue about it.