Hi again,
To make debugging easy and quick, here is what you should do:
1) Get the application note AN2305. If you don't understand it, never matter, but get the source code at the end of the note.
With the setup that I gave you, burn your HC908QY/T device.
Now pick your MCU and plug it into your design.
This design should have the components shown in Figure 1. Note that there is no high voltage and pullup/down connections.
2) With this software installed the HC908QY/QT device becomes easy and fun to programme.
The earlier installed program sits high up in the Flash EPROM and has protected itself, so it cannot be erased. So nomatter what you do, you always have the monitor to drop into.
There are some things that you have to notice.
a) the interrupt vector table is moved down and it has to be a sequence of jumps.
The locations of the jumps are shown in Table 1.
b) the interrupt vectors are a number of 16 bit addresses. This is of a number of
jmp adress
3) Now you can assemble/compile code and download it. You don't have to mess with high voltages and switches.
The only drawback is a slight performance drop in the interrupt handling as there is an extra jump included.