Those who suggest to use HCS08 are clearly not familiar with the HC11. Since you are using HC11, HCS12(X) is really the only choise, because it is backwards compatible with HC11. Both the instruction set and the peripherals are compatible.
The SCI should be fully compatible, and there are plenty of derivates with dual SCI. The AD and timers are different. IO pins won't be a problem and the ports are compatible with HC11 apart from additional features such as internal pull-down (on some ports), interrupt possibilities and so on.
I would advise against using the external bus on the HCS12. The external bus is the weakness of the chip: it is made unnecessary complicated and messy. But perhaps you have no other choise.
At least there shouldn't be a need for external EEPROM of 32k. The HCS12 comes with 2-4k internal EEPROM, and more importanly, flash memory. Depending on the application, you may or may not be able to use the flash memory instead. The main difference between the HCS12 flash and regular EEPROM is that you must erase sectors of 512 bytes if you want to store data in it at runtime, so the flash is inconvenient for data storage in runtime, but perfect for program memory and constant data.
If you want to use the flash for data storage in runtime, I would strongly recommend using a part with 128k flash or more, because these parts have the possibility to run code from one flash bank which writes to another flash bank. Devices with less flash memory can't do this since they only have one bank, and that leaves you with the questionable procedure of running code from RAM.
You should also consider going straight to HCS12X, since Freescale is already flagging the HCS12 as "legacy", and dumping the price on the S12X to make everyone move away from S12. There are likely many years to go before the S12 will become obsolete, but Freescale will probably start to slowly raise the prices on it to force migration, as they have been doing with HC11 for some years now.
Message Edited by Lundin on 2008-04-25 08:53 AM