To erase flash, i use following code and asm code doonstack.asm
#include <hidef.h> /* for EnableInterrupts macro */
#include "derivative.h" /* include peripheral declarations */
#include "hcs08.h" // This is our definition file!
#include <MC9S08QE8.h>
#include "doonstack.h"
#define BUSCLK 8000000
#define vFCDIV (BUSCLK/200000-1)
char fdata, operation;
unsigned int faddress;
// Write-protect addresses ranging from 0xE400 up to 0xFFFF
const byte NVPROT_INIT @0x0000FFBD = 0xE2;
// MCU innitialization
void mcu_init(void)
SOPT1 = bBKGDPE; // Enable debug pin
ICSSC = NVFTRIM; // configure FTRIM value
ICSTRM = NVICSTRM; // configure TRIM value
ICSC2 = 0; // ICSOUT = DCOOUT / 1
// BUSCLK is now 8 MHz
FCDIV = 39;//vFCDIV; // set FCLK divider (FCLK = 200kHz)
#pragma inline
// Read the content of a memory address
char flash_read(unsigned int address)
unsigned char *pointer;
pointer = (char*) address;
return (*pointer);
// Write a byte into the specified FLASH address
char flash_write(unsigned int address, unsigned char data)
unsigned char *pointer;
pointer = (char*) address;
FlashProg(pointer,data); // call the FLASH programming function
if (FSTAT_FACCERR) data=1; else data=0;
if (FSTAT_FPVIOL) data|=2;
// Erase a sector of the FLASH memory
unsigned char flash_sector_erase(unsigned int address)
unsigned char *pointer, res;
pointer = (char*) address;
if (FSTAT_FACCERR) res=1; else res=0;
if (FSTAT_FPVIOL) res|=2;
void main(void)
fdata = 0;
faddress = 0xE200;
operation = 1;
while (1)
switch (operation)
case 1: // sector erase
fdata = flash_sector_erase(faddress);
operation = 2;
case 2: // write operation
faddress = 0xE200;
fdata = 'D';
fdata = flash_write(faddress,fdata);
operation = 3;
case 3: // read operation
faddress = 0xE200;
fdata = flash_read(faddress);
operation = 0;
If i run full chip simulation and i run code my erase function don't run. I don't kown why?
Do you have any idea about this?