Hi, I'm using AN2295sw Rev12 as start up to use a bootloader on HC08MR32, I have some questions:
1. The first 5 pages of flash memory (0x8000-0x827E) are used as EEPROM from the application, from the sixth page, It is allocated code. From MCU slave software, I have modified file slfprg-mr32.asm on line 89
FLS_BEG EQU $8000 in FLS_BEG EQU $8280
Now, the problem is on PC Master software, I think I must modify s19.c and prog.c files, but not extactly where.
2. The user application needs read and/or write some bytes, during execution, on flash memory managed as EEPROM, this could be a problem for the MCU slave bootloader?
3. On paragraph 3.5.1 - Memory occupied - I read that because the bootloader is placed at the upper end of flash memory, the user code must be modified in its memory mapping. This means that I must change the last address of flash memory, for example:
must changed on
ROM = | READ_ONLY_MEMORY | 0x8280 | TO 0xFC32 |
4. I plan to include di *.exe file of PC master software in a sw application, that the customer could use for update and manage a target board, and usually it want to use virtual serial port via USB. It's possible modify the PC master sw to make automatically this calibration, if it is, where and what I must modify.
I hope my questions are clear.... thak for any help.
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Hi Marilena,
It looks like your problem have to be solved by detailed analyse of your code size, MCU memory resources, and tools you are using.
I understand that it is not appropriate to discuss such details publicly, so my advice for you is to open Service Request (see page https://www.freescale.com/webapp/servicerequest.create_SR.framework). Your SR will be directed to experts team and you will receive their advice to your mailbox.
Best regards,
Hi Wlodek,
I have already modified slave software, downloaded it on the MCU. When I start bootloading procedure and I try to program the MCU, I read a message in a box, it informe me about discordance with default flash memory address and values indicated from slave sw.
MCU use 5 pages of flash as EEPROM to store final application parameters, to write run-time value that it can read after any reset, etc.. In the finally application I must lock flash memory code and with the HC08MR32 I have no options, I can only use start of memory for "variables" and the other part for code storage.
I hope these clarifications could be enough.
Hi Marilena,
It looks like your problem have to be solved by detailed analyse of your code size, MCU memory resources, and tools you are using.
I understand that it is not appropriate to discuss such details publicly, so my advice for you is to open Service Request (see page https://www.freescale.com/webapp/servicerequest.create_SR.framework). Your SR will be directed to experts team and you will receive their advice to your mailbox.
Best regards,
Hi Marilena,
According to AN2295 author I'm sending his answers/comments:
1. I think the first step 1. is ok and is needed. You can modify the begin of the flash memory of the MCU.
- You cannot modify PC master application due this.
2. Could you explain more this activity of managing the EEPROM ? What is the purpose etc. ?
3. Yes, you must modify the end of the flash in you project which you will use for the bootloader downloading, but basically it is depend on the size of your application (must fit between the range of the (flash – bootloader) ).
4. You can use the virtual serial link.
Please provide more details, I hope this will help in further advice.