Original Attachment has been moved to: 802-mkspecs.mx5x.tar.gz
Original Attachment has been moved to: 803-qt_qpaintengine_gles1.patch
Thansk Matthew. Old post but still very helpfull!
Just a question: is it necessary to install all the mentioned packages for the rootfs (e.g. mysql) to have OpenGL working on my GPU?. I'm trying to test the effect of the GPU on some QtDemos and own software with qcustomplot graphs.
Thanks in advance!
I don't believe that's necessary
If LTIB is not required you can use Yocto for it. There are 4.7.4 and 4.8.1 Qt versions available on it.
Please check: Freescale/fsl-community-bsp-platform · GitHub
Any plans to have QT5 up and running on yocto for i.mx6?
Yes; we're working at Qt5 integration in Yocto and next step is integration in the meta-fsl-arm. Any specific need? Our customers (of O.S. Systems) are still using Qt4 so we still do not have urgency for it.
Some customers have already started do migrate to qt5, and started asking about a guide to use it on iMX6, it is possible to cross compile it manually, but using yocto is much easier I think.
Yes; I agree that Yocto will make it easier; we will work on that as time permits. We already have a base work for Qt5 but we need to finish it for proper integration.
Is it possible to tell us when the meta-fsl-arm is going to be released with Qt5 support ?
No. We're working at Qt5 integration on Yocto itself. The integration to meta-fsl-arm should be trivial as soon as all is working in Yocto in general.
I couldn't invest much time on this yet as I am involved in other projects but when I have some free time I will look into it.
We already migrated to Qt5, manually did everything , works very well in iMX6. Just waiting for the Qt5 integration on yocto release
Did you have any problems when running the hellogl2_demo ? In my case the openGL widget is overtaking all the screen and the qt native widget is hidden, I cannot see the buttons and the sliders.
The same happens with 2dpaint demo.
Can you run these demos successfully with openGL and native Widgets visible?
Error messages are:
This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()
QOpenGLContext::swapBuffers() called with non-opengl surface
QOpenGLContext::swapBuffers() called with non-opengl surface
QOpenGLContext::swapBuffers() called with non-opengl surface
QOpenGLContext::swapBuffers() called with non-opengl surface
If I may please ask about this steps:
How is it that we build Qt using several libraries in host, while these same libraries are not installed in target( such as libsql etc)
It make me confused a bit. Not only that, but this libraries are intended for dynamic loading, not static.
Is there anyone who can shed some light on this ?
Good; I am willing to work on that once I have a free time slot. Currently I am finishing some customer BSPs and demos, so I won't be able to work on that next days.
Thanks for your reply . I am using this toolchain gcc-4.6.2-glibc-2.13-linaro-multilib-2011.12 for manual cross compilation. I couldnt use this toolchain in yocto. Is there any specific configuration needed for this ? Could you share your points here?
You could use meta-toolchain-qt so you have a toolchain capable of building Qt apps as a start.
Ok . How to replace the existing code sourcery toolchain available in yocto by our gcc-4.6.2-glibc-2.13-linaro-multilib-2011.12 toolchain? How to tell to yocto? Actually i want to build some other packages like bluez , busybox ,etc by using our toolchain . Could you give some tips?
Yocto does build its own toolchain by default and does not use Linaro or Code Sourcery by default.
You can check poky - Poky Build Tool and Metadata it has a documentation about the variable to set; if your toolchain has no ready to use support you'll need to cook the configurations for it.
Yes you are right .. Yocto is building its own toolchain. But when we have prebuilt toolchain , then we can directly replace it right? I have tried to replace my toolchain gcc-4.6.2-glibc-2.13-linaro-multilib-2011.12 ,but not succedded.
Yes you can. Check my previous answer in the link. It has some basic documentation how it can be done.
1. I have added my toolchain in yocto and the package external-toolchain-sourcery compiled successfully. I could able to compile the packages successfully by using my toolchain. Thank you
2. Now i need to compile Qt5 by using yocto . I tried with meta-qt5 which is released by meta-oe. But not succedded. Could you please share some more points ? Can i add meta data for Qt5 for meta-fsl-arm on my own?