I installed KDS and MKW41Z_ConnSW_1.0.2 to do Bluetooth development work.
I'm using Windows 10.
I'm using Rigado eval boards.
Now I have three new devices listed under "Network Connections". They have names like:
"Freescale Kinetis-W Network Interface #2"
The associated driver is "fsl_kw_nwk_drv.sys".
What is this driver?
Do I needed it?
Is it OK to uninstall it?
Hello Michael,
Please follow Mario's instructions in case your board is not being enumerated as it should when plugging it into your PC.
The "Freescale Kinetis-W Network Interface" is a Virtual PCAP interface used by the Protocol Analyzer Adapter to communicate the KW board with a virtual network interface for Wireshark to detect and sniff 802.15.4/Thread/ZigBee or BLE packets.
I have a sniffer dongle now and it works fine with WireShark.
I'm not sure how I got so many duplicate virtual NICs. Is it OK to delete the dead ones?
Yes, just make sure to keep one for the Protocol Analyzer Adapter.
I tried to delete the duplicates from the "View Network Connections" control panel.
It failed with a pop-up "The connection you selected cannot be deleted".
I have three duplicates. Now that I know what they are, I'll just live with it.
Hi Michael,
Could you please install the drivers for J-Link?
SEGGER - The Embedded Experts - Downloads - J-Link / J-Trace
Install the drivers, and connect the eval boards again.
If you still have the same problems, please update the driver manually follow the next path, you can find the driver.
C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V610i\USBDriver\x64
Let me know your findings.
Best Regards,