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The FSL Community BSP 1.6 has been released featuring several updates including: Yocto Project 1.6 support Integration of 3.10.17-1.0.0 GA release for i.MX6 platforms U-Boot 2014.01 Linux Kernel 3.14 For the detailed announcement, please check: https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/meta-freescale/2014-May/008490.html
Hi All, With Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr being up and running, I decided to post this guide to help anyone wanting to move over to it. I personally believe this is the best Ubuntu yet. This has come from my trial and errors, searching all over the web, and bits I picked up from here and there. You should have a fully functional android development environment once this is completed. NOTE-------- some of these packages may already be on your machine. Obviously, if you complete a step and you have one of these installed, the machine simply will not do anything. So...it will not hurt anything. Some of the packages are different from Ubuntu 12.04 and 13.04 (use these packages for Ubuntu 14.04 as many of the old ones have obsoleted - these are new replacements). The first thing I highly recommend installing is "Muon Package Manager" from the Ubuntu Software Center. I will be referring to it to install some packages. Next... Installing Python Open terminal (CTRL + ALT + T) Then execute the following commands in terminal one by one: $ sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc $ wget http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.6/Python-2.7.6.tgz $ tar -xvzf Python-2.7.6.tgz $ cd Python-2.7.6 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/python2.7 $ make $ sudo make install $ sudo ln -s /usr/local/python2.7/bin/python /usr/bin/python2.7 Now Python is configured Installing The JDK Add PPA to system $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java Download & install java $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install oracle-java6-installer CHECK $ java -version You should see something like: java version "1.6.0_45" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01, mixed mode) If not (I have had trouble with this i the past), go to: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javasebusiness/downloads/java-archive-downloads-javase6-419409.html (in your browser and manually download) You will have to login or setup an account with Oracle if you do not have one. Put the "jdk-6u45-linux-x64.bin" in the home directory. Then we need to run the binary and move it to a shared location by opening a terminal and typing: $ chmod +x jdk-6u45-linux-x64.bin $ sudo ./jdk-6u45-linux-x64.bin $ sudo mv jdk1.6.0_45 /usr/lib/jvm/ Now you have to install all binaries and give them highest priority, This will also overwrite the previous version of Java Binaries in your computer: $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_45/bin/java 1 $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_45/bin/javac 1 $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javaws javaws /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_45/bin/javaws 1 $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_45/bin/jar 1 $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javadoc javadoc /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_45/bin/javadoc 1 Most of the time I get after these commands, basically the jdk is not there. Just run the binary and move it to a shared location using three commands above again and install and give them the highest priority again...its a pain, I know) Now check if JDK 1.6 is selected on this: $ sudo update-alternatives --config java $ sudo update-alternatives --config javac $ sudo update-alternatives --config javaws $ sudo update-alternatives --config jar $ sudo update-alternatives --config javadoc These five should all be selected. Now JDK is configured! To check if it is done Execute this is Terminal: $ java -version Output will be similar to this: java version "1.6.0_45" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01, mixed mode) IF NOT, YOU MAY NEED TO RUN AGAIN JDK is now configured. You can now delete or save somewhere else "jdk-6u45-linux-x64.bin"  that is in the home directory Installing GNU Make (use only make-3.81; this was designed for android) $ wget -o make.tar.gz http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/make/make-3.81.tar.gz $ tar -xvzf make-3.81.tar.gz $ cd make-3.81 $ ./configure $ sudo make install Now GNU make is configured Installing Android SDK Download the SDK from: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html Accept Terms & download 64 bit. Extract in your home directory & rename extracted folder "adt". Now, execute these commands in terminal: $ cd ~/adt/sdk/tools/ $ ./android sdk At this point the SDK should come up and you will need to download at least all the tools and all the extras files (at least to 4.0, so select them and install them. When it finishes downloading & installing everything you have to run this command in ANOTHER TERMINAL: $ sudo gedit .bashrc And you need to add at the end of it your SDK paths these three lines (cop and paste them): #Android PATHS export PATH=$PATH:~/adt/sdk/tools export PATH=$PATH:~/adt/sdk/platform-tools Save and close the file, then close terminals. SDK is configured. Setup ADB & Fastboot These packages are needed to run many many android commands such as ADB and FASTBOOT (only 64-bit needs this). Using Muon Package Manager, get these three packages: lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 Configuring USB Access Go to: snowdream/51-android · GitHub Download "51-Android.rules" Add these lines in alphabetical order: #Sabresd SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE="0777" SUBSYSTEM=="usb|usb_device", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev" Open Terminal and type: $ gksudo nautilus In the pop up, Go back to hard drive & navigate to: /etc/udev/rules.d Copy & paste 51-android.rules Save and close the file, then close the window. Set the right permissions to this file: $ sudo chmod 644   /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules $ sudo chown root. /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules $ sudo service udev restart $ sudo killall adb ADB & Fastboot are configured Installing Required Packages Open Terminal Now execute this command: $ sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential \ zip curl zlib1g-dev libc6-dev libncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev \ libx11-dev libreadline6-dev libgl1-mesa-dev tofrodos python-markdown \ libxml2-utils xsltproc pngcrush gcc-multilib lib32z1 schedtool When that is finished, execute these commands: $ sudo apt-get install uuid uuid-dev $ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev liblz-dev $ sudo apt-get install liblzo2-2 liblzo2-dev $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install git-core curl $ sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools $ sudo apt-get install cbootimage $ sudo apt-get install dfu-util $ sudo apt-get install libterm-twiddle-perl Using Muon Package Manager install these packages (again some of these may already be installed): original-awk cl-awk dpkg-awk gawk mawk sed ssed abootimg Installing Repo Package Open terminal and type: $ mkdir ~/bin $ PATH=~/bin:$PATH $ curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo $ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo Now it is recommended to reboot your computer !!!! Extra Packages Needed For Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tar These must be installed to avoid an issue that comes up during the android build causing an error. Open Muon Package Manager and type "cpanm" and install: libmodule-cpafile-perl cpanminus pmuninstall Next, type in "libperl" and install if not installed: libperl-dev libperl-apireference-perl libperl5.18 libperl6-caller-perl libperlio-gzip-perl libperl4-corelibs-perl libperl5i-perl Next, type in "perl" and install if not installed: perl perl-base libxml-perl libfile-find-rule-perl-perl libprobe-perl-perl libmodern-perl-perl perl-modules Close Moun Package Manager Open a terminal and type: $ cpan App::cpanminus (answer "yes" when asked) $ sudo cpanm Switch Configure Git Open terminal and type: $ git config --global user.email "<your email address here>" $ git config --global user.name "<your user name here>" Git is configured. Istall Ccache Download "ccache 3.1.9 source code (tar.gz)" (or higher) from: http://ccache.samba.org/download.html Extract to the home directory. Open terminal & execute: $ ./configure $ make $ make install $ sudo gedit make install.bashrc Copy & paste the following: export USE_CCACHE=1 Save & close Open terminal & execute: $ ccache -M 75G I usually use 75 gigs. Ccache is now set to 75 gigs. Generating SSH Keys Check for SSH keys in the terminal: $ cd ~/.ssh $ ls Check the directory listing to see if you have a file named either id_rsa.pub or id_dsa.pub. If you don't have either of those files go on. Otherwise, you already have an existing key pair, and you can skip to "Add your SSH key to GitHub". Generate a new SSH key. To generate a new SSH key, enter the code below. We want the default settings so when asked to enter a file in which to save the key, just press enter.Type in the terminal: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "<your email address here>" Will ask for pass phrase twice; just press enter twice. Add your SSH key to GitHub Run the following code to copy the key to your clipboard: $ sudo apt-get install xclip $ xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub Go to your github account (create one if you do not have one) & add your new public key. GitHub · Build software better, together. Test everything out. Type in the terminal: $ ssh -T git@github.com You may see this warning: The authenticity of host 'github.com (' can't be established. # RSA key fingerprint is 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48. # Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? Type in "yes"; you should get this: Hi username! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not # provide shell access. If the username is correct, you've successfully set up your SSH key. YOUR BUILD ENVIROMENT IS NOW SETUP
MYIR has released a cost-effective and power-efficient ARM Evaluation Kit (EVK) MYD-IMX28X for Freescale i.MX28 family of multimedia applications processors which has an ARM926EJ-S Core, with speed up to 454 MHz. The board can support running Linux operating systems, which allows developers to use it as an i.MX28 reference platform to quickly start their own design. The board takes full features of the i.MX28 ARM processor and has exposed a comprehensive set of peripherals and connectivity options to make the board suitable for smart gateways, human-machine interfaces (HMIs), handheld devices, scanners, portable medical, experimental education and more other industrial applications. The MYD-IMX28X Development Board is using the MYC-IMX28X CPU module as the heart of the system which is an ARM9-based system-on-module (SOM) integrated with the i.MX28 processor, 128MB DDR2 SDRAM, 256MB Nand Flash and Ethernet PHY. It is connected to the base board through two 1.27mm pitch 80-pin connectors. The base board has extended many peripherals and interfaces through headers and connectors, featuring 1 x RS232, 1, Debug, 2 x USB ports, up to 2 x Ethernet, 1 x CAN, 1 x RS485, TF, Audio, LCD, JTAG, etc. MYD-IMX28X Development Board MYC-IMX28X CPU Module MYIR offers the board with Freescale i.MX283 or i.MX287 ARM9 CPU by default; user can integrate a different MYC-IMX28X CPU module on the same base board, thus making two variants of i.MX28 evaluation boards. MYD-IMX283 Development Board – with MYC-IMX283 CPU Module for Freescale i.MX283 MYD-IMX287 Development Board – with MYC-IMX287 CPU Module for Freescale i.MX287 The MYD-IMX283 and MYD-IMX287 boards only have a few differences as described in below table: Model MYD-IMX283 MYD-IMX287 Processor i.MX283 i.MX287 CAN 0 2 Ethernet 1 2 The MYD-IMX28X board comes with Linux2.6.35 software packages, detailed documents, necessary cable accessories as well as optional 4.3- and 7-inch LCD (with touch screen) to provide a complete Freescale i.MX28 starter kit and enable a quickly start of evaluation of i.MX28 family applications processors.
The WunderBar is the easiest way to create innovative and useful apps to connect smart devices. It works out-of-the-wrapper, contains 6 awesome Beacons (BLE), sensors, and Wifi, and is dead-simple to program. Sensors include: Light, color, distance, temperature, humidity, remote control (IR), accelerometer, and gyroscope, a Grove Connector, and noise/sound sensor which was chosen by the community! Open Source We want everyone involved, that's why we are sharing the layouts on GitHub. If you've got an improvement - fork us, make a change, and send a pull request. If you need to build your own board to integrate with existing systems, be our guest. The liberal Apache License makes this possible. Secure Security for low energy devices over domestic networks is a challenge. We are working with partners to build the highest possible level of security into devices. Our device registration harnesses the security in your smart phone or tablet to create a permanent connection with the OpenSensor Cloud Flexible The WunderBar comes shipped with our own firmware which seemlessly integrates with the OpenSensor Cloud, however you can work with Arduino, or roll your own solution. We have libraries for Arduino, and examples for building your own solution. Read more about it WunderBar by relayr Think this is a cool project?  Rank it below and leave us your comments!
Only 2″X2″ Endless Possibilities. Solid-Run's CuBox-i is the second generation family of mini computers, based on the scalable Freescale i.MX6 family of system-on-chip (SoC) ranging from a single to quad Cortex-A9 processor cores, 2D/3D hardware graphics processing unit, video decoding and encoding acceleration hardware, HDMI 1080p 3D broad range of peripherals. Read more about CuBox-i
REX - Freescale iMX6 Opensource Project Designed by FEDEVEL Academy Based on Freescale i.MX6 CPU. This is an open source project. All documents are free for download, including Schematic and PCB files. The iMX6 Rex Module is also used for teaching about Schematic Design and Advanced PCB Layout at FEDEVEL Academy. Module Specification Freescale iMX6 processor, up to 1.2GHz / 4 cores Soldered down DDR3-1066 (533MHz), up to 4GB 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet 1x HDMI (up to QXGA 2048×1536) 1x LVDS (up to WUXGA 1920×1200) 1x PCIE 1x SATA On board SPI Flash up to 32Mb 1x SD, 1x MMC 2x USB 3x UART, 3x I2C, 1x SPI Digital audio JTAG User LED, power LED 2x high speed board to board connectors (only one required) Size: 70 x 40 mm (smaller than a credit card) Input power: 7 to 24 V (DC) Releated posts iMX6 Rex EMC Testing – Pass iMX6 Rex infrared images User friendly GUI + Mouse + Keyboard working ok How long it took to design the iMX6 Rex module prototype? iMX6 Module Total Cost Prototype Developement The iMX6 Rex module design licensing Video from Assembling iMX6 Rex Boards Bringing up i.MX6 Rex Module to Life – from unpacking to booting iMX6 Rex Layout Video
This video is an overview of the Altia user interface development software chain. We start with graphics in Adobe Photoshopand end running Altia-generated source code on the Freescale i.MX 6. Altia also supports Vybrid, MPC5645S (Rainbow), MPC5606S (Spectrum), i.MX53 and more.
iWave Systems introduces enhanced educational marvel the versatile and well equipped “Advanced Learning Platform.” The ALP comprises of i.MX6 Pico ITX SBC and a peripheral daughter card which is meant to enable University students to evaluate several new displays, sensors, communication and I/O interfaces, hence introducing them to a rich and wide world of Embedded Systems which is indeed a unique blend of Academic and Industrial utility. Truly this product is meant to redefine iWave’s slogan “Embedding Intelligence.” i.MX6 Advanced Learning Platform Now, the question arises “Why is there a need of platforms of this kind for graduate students at the academic level?” This platform will ensure sufficient number of educated future engineers capable of designing complex systems and maintaining a leadership in the area of embedded systems, thereby ensuring its strongholds in automotive, avionics, industrial automation, mobile communications, telecoms and medical systems. This platform will also guarantee technological development of the educational approach in the field of embedded systems. The below section of the article provides a project example which can be carried out using ALP, so as to make the reader aware of the efficiency & capabilities of ALP. Project title: 'Automated Inspection System' This project can be carried out by using following features of the ALP. Motor interface Camera interface Image processing capabilities of i.MX6 processor High Level System Block Diagram - Project Description – In industries conveyor belts are used as inspection systems, which aims to remove or isolate the defect pieces. When things move on the conveyor belt, Image is taken of each product for inspection. The ALP’s motor interface can be used to drive the conveyor belt. The camera connected to the ALP can capture the images of the products going on the conveyor belt and sends it to the CPU for identifying the defect pieces. This is one possible project which can be carried out in ALP. In fact there are numerous projects which can be carried out. It can be a weather forecasting system, vibration monitoring system, surveillance system, coordinate locating system, personalized audio system, energy efficient system, touch controlled system, motor control system, lighting system, applications involving displays, current sensing meter, digital time display meter etc. Finally it’s all up to you what you make of the ALP. For More information Click Here To Know more about Educational Platforms from iWave Click Here Email: mktg@iwavesystems.com Web: www.iwavesystems.com
From past few years wireless technology is booming to drive the innovations in the medical field. iWave is providing wireless video streaming solution on iWave’s i.MX6 Pico-ITX platform for various medical applications. iWave has expertise in HD video streaming of intraoral camera over the Wi-Fi network. The RTSP/RTP protocols (Real Time Streaming Protocols) are used for streaming between iWave’s Pico ITX board and the host PC which support VLC or Mplayer. Picture: Wireless Video Streaming Solution based on i.MX6 Video streaming platform features: Pico ITX board with i.MX6 quad CPU 720x480p/30FPS USB Intraoral Camera 802.11bgn Wi-Fi Module OS: Linux In addition to i.MX6 Pico ITX SBC iWave also offers following i.MX6 boards / products: i.MX6 Qseven SOM i.MX6 Qseven Development Board i.MX6 MXM SOM i.MX6 MXM Development Kit Windows Embedded Compact 7 BSP for i.MX6 Platforms For further information, please write to mktg@iwavesystems.com website: www.iwavesystems.com
Adeneo Embedded achieved the porting of a Irrlicht 3D engine demo application onto a Phytec i.MX6 development board. Check out the cool features of the demo on the video ! Don't forget to subscribe, comment and share
A new open-hardware computing platform, flexible and powerful, designed for use as a desktop, laptop, or standalone board. Novena is a 1.2GHz, Freescale quad-core ARM architecture computer closely coupled with a Xilinx FPGA. It's designed for users who care about open source, and/or want to modify and extend their hardware: all the documentation for the PCBs is open and free to download, the entire OS is buildable from source, and it comes with a variety of features that facilitate rapid prototyping. For more information check out Kousagi Studio and if you want to fund this project check out Crowd Supply
iWave Systems, one of the recognized leaders in providing i.MX6 based Single Board Computers, has added ‘Quad and Dual i.MX6 CPU based Pico ITX Single board computers to its SBCs’ product range which already support Duallite and Solo i.MX6 CPU based SBC. Also, our i.MX6 Pico ITX SBCs are supported with various operating systems like Linux, Android Jelly Bean and Windows Embedded Compact 7. This wide range of options, in hardware and software, allows our customers to select appropriate specifications in accordance with their end applications. iWave’s i.MX6 CPU based SBC is very compact, small in size and in industry standard Pico ITX form factor (100x73mm). This unique small form factor, with very rich set of features, helps in supporting different end applications like Digital Signage, IP camera, Industrial control, Human-machine interface, Portable devices etc. i.MX6 Quad Single Board Computer The rich set of features, which our i.MX6 CPU based SBCs have, are as follows: CPU: i.MX6 Quad/Dual/Dual-Lite/Solo RAM: 512MB DDR3 (Expandable up to 2GB) Storage On-board Micro SD Slot Standard SD/SDIO Slot eMMC Support SPI Flash 16Mbit Optional SATA 7pin Connector + Communication Interfaces 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet with RJ45 Magjack Half mini PCIe Card Connector Dual USB Host Connector Micro USB OTG connector CAN Header Audio & Video interface AC'97 Audio Codec with Audio Out Jack & Audio In Header HDMI with Audio Support LVDS connector with Backlight & 4 wire Resistive Touch Connector Support 8bit CMOS Camera Connector 2 Lane MIPI Camera Connector Debug & Status Indication Support Micro USB Debug Port JTAG Header 4 POS User Dip Switch & status LEDs Expansion Header-84 pin MIPI DSI SPI Interface-1No CSI0 Camera interface CAN2 Interface UART - 3 Nos I2C- 3 Nos GPIOs LVDS1 interface Optional MLB Interface+ Miscellaneous: RTC Controller* Operating Temperature: -20°C to +85°C Power Input: 5V, 2A Form factor: Pico ITX (100 x 72mm) Operating Systems: Linux 3.0.35 Android 4.3 JellyBean Windows Embedded Compact 7 Custom Development: BSP Development/OS Porting Custom Application/GUI Development Design Review and Support * Optional features not supported by default + Optional; supported by the iMX6 Quad/Dual based SBC For More information Click Here Email: mktg@iwavesystems.com
This webtalk session provides an overview of the new ConnectCore 6 multichip module. The industry’s first SMT multichip module built on the Freescale i.MX6 application processor family. Offering pre-certified and fully integrated wireless connectivity options such as 802.11a/b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.0 plus unique system capabilities such as an independent Kinetis K/L on-module subsystem, built for reliability and long-term availability. The module targets applications in healthcare/medical, transportation, industrial and other markets. Visit the link below to view the webtalk video now: http://www.embedded-know-how.com/boards-a-modules-main/article/45-boards-modules/1699
With last LTIB - BSP release there was an interesting and very usefull document (attached here) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" i.MX 6Dual/6Quad BSP Porting Guide Document Number: IMX6DQBSPPG Rev. L3.0.35_1.1.0, 01/2013 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" In this document there were the most used needed steps to port the BSP from a reference board (i will take as example the IMX6q sabresd) to a Custom board. Infact the usual project path , is starting from a reference board , but a t the end i need to use a custom board (for costs , space and any other reason). So the Idea is o make a new document to do the same on the new Yocto enviroment. Infact the step and the stuff to change are ecxatly the same, but they are to be done in different way. When you want to make your custom board what can be different from a reference one: 1) DDR memory 2) IO usage 3) on board peripheral 4) boot source I think these are the main issue that could change from a board to another one (with the same processor Imx6q). Following the "Yocto Project best practice guide" we need to create a new "layer" where we can fit the customized thing: uboot, dts, drivers for pheriperal, maybe customized kernel .... So this document is intended to be a starting point where customer and freescale expert can work togheter to make this "aplication note " that is really the final step for every project based on imx6Q Yocto Project development. Omar *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Following I will try to examine the single step that needs to be configured in every board. First a brief summary then each step will be detailed with files and paths , and example modification. I will use as example the board IMX6QsabreSD. So all the path will be referred to that board. *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** I)                                                                                                                Porting Bootloader *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 1) They first program loaded and executed from your boot source (NAND, emmc, SD etc..) is the bootloader. In our case u-boot. this program perform some basic initialization, those intializations are related to the board. But the very first thing is DDR initialization, this mean to inizialize IOMUX and DDR controller registers (Timing geometry etcc...). This initialization is done in the DCD part of the uboot image. the once we initialized the DDR the bootloader can work, than it will have to configure the IOMUX to match the peripheral used on chip and on board. And then of course it will have to load the driver (at least one UART for consolle and ethernet driver) it needs. So FIRST thing to customize for your board is the bootloader. Using a base directory the git of u-boot the file that contain the DCD is: board/freescale/imx/ddr/mx6q_4x_mt41j128.cfg the other important file is the board/freescale/mx6sabresd/mx6sabresd.c this second file contain several board related definition, first of all, the IOMUX configuration for the pins of IMX6Q used for soc peripheral a third important file is the include one here there are several important define such as mem size. include/configs/mx6sabresd.h include/configs/mx6sabre_common.h So you need to make a copy of those files (in the new board dir, or in the include/configs for .h files) renaming them of course with the name of your custom board. Then you need also to add the new board to the Makefiles and source tree , as described following: (take also as a reference he chapter 1.2 and 1.3 of the attached document and this link http://git.denx.de/?p=u-boot.git;a=blob_plain;f=README;hb=HEAD). 1. Add a new configuration option for your board to the toplevel  "boards.cfg" file, using the existing entries as examples.  Follow the instructions there to keep the boards in order. 2. Create a new directory to hold your board specific code. Add any files you need. In your board directory, you will need at least the "Makefile", a "<board>.c" 3. Create a new configuration file "include/configs/<board>.h" for  your board 4. Debug and solve any problems that might arise. At this point if we did all the modification we need to u-boot we have to create our fsl-myboard layer to add our "patch" to the u-boot tree. those patched u-boot will be compiled and deployed just for the new MACHINE (our custom board). *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** II)                                                                                                                Creating DTS tree for kernel *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 1)Then you need to create the DTS files for your board as well, those files are a description of your board (including) SOC , mem etc etc... used by the kernel. those files are in the kernel tree in arch/arm/boot/dts. Take a look http://events.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/slides/petazzoni-device-tree-dummies.pdf  this is a good starting point. Another good reference is: Device Tree - eLinux.org , here you can find a lot of link and reference to a more deep understanding. The official wiki:http://www.devicetree.org/Main_Page And interesting: https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/devicetree In our example the reference dts will be of course the imx6q-sabresd.dts(in the kernel tree source path /arch/arm/boot/dts), this file include and refer other "dts" files that we will see . Well the starting point of this dts tree is, in this example, the imx6q-sabresd.dts, it recalls other files: imx6q-sabresd.dts ---------------> imx6qdl-sabresd.dtsi                           |----------------> imx6q.dtsi                                                            |--------------------> imx6q-pinfunc.h                                                            |--------------------> imx6qdl.dtsi                                                                                                   |-----------------------> skeleton.dtsi                                                                                                   |-----------------------> dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h the file wiht the name that does not contain "sabresd" are not board related but Soc related so we can keep as is even for our custom board, so the only file we need to touch are imx6q-sabresd.dts and imx6qdl-sadresd.dtsi. As we did for u-boot porting, we will copy these files and create new ones with names as imx6q-cutomboard.dts and imx6qdl-customboard.dtsi in the same dir. Now we will examine them in detail.
This video shows Altia-generated graphics code running on Nitrogen 6X platform by Boundary Devices. There are three different types of GUIs included in the video -- home security / automation, automotive instrument cluster, and smart appliance.
Adeneo Embedded, an embedded systems integrator in collaboration with Adeneo Mobility, now offers Qt 5.2-enabled Linux and Android solutions for Freescale® Semiconductor’s  i.MX 6 series processors. Adeneo Embedded, a  Freescale Connect Premier partner, has worked extensively with the  graphical and multimedia aspects of Freescale i.MX 6 series processors. Digia owns Qt technology and as its official partner for Qt, Adeneo Embedded is able to combine the graphics power of i.MX 6 series processors and the features of Qt to create “Qt enabled” board support packages(BSPs). The latest version of Qt supports features such as cloud services, support for Android, improvements to the JavaScript Engine/Qt Desktop support and new modules for connectivity and location. Qt technology is well suited to bring out the best multimedia capabilities of i.MX 6 series processors. Adeneo’s expertise in both of these technologies is showcased by some of the demos released on multiple operating systems running on Freescale i.MX 6 processors. By providing “Qt-Ready” Linux and Android BSPs for i.MX 6 series processors, Adeneo Embedded provides a unique out-of-the-box experience to OEMs for the development of advanced embedded devices with complex graphical user interfaces. Adeneo Embedded also completes these ready to use reference development solutions with a compelling automotive dashboard demo based on Qt technology integrated with Freescale’s i.MX 6 series processors: -       The Adeneo Embedded automotive dashboard demo running on Qt-enabled Linux on the  Smart Application Blueprint for Rapid Engineering (SABRE) platform based on i.MX 6 series highlights Qt cross platform compatibility along with Qt Embedded and Qt Mobile interoperability. -       The Adeneo Embedded automotive dashboard demo adapted to iOS/Qt-enabled Android showcases the portability of Qt in embedded and mobile environments. This QtQuick demo can run on Android (smartphone,  tablets and embedded platforms) and on iOS (iPhone and iPad). Adeneo Embedded Qt demos using Freescale platforms can be downloaded at http://www.adeneo-embedded.com/About-Us/Partners/Silicon-Vendors/Freescale-Demos Linux and Android reference BSPs using Freescale platforms will be available from: http://www.adeneo-embedded.com/Products/Board-Support-Packages/Freescale-i.MX6 For more information contact : sales@adeneo-embedded.com www.adeneo-embedded.com
Community has been working hard on FSL Community BSP Project for about 3 years now! We have achieved some great things and milestones together such as the number of supported boards that is about 40 right now! (with different SoC families and vendors.) The FSL Community BSP is a community driven project to provide and maintain a Board Support Package (BSP) meta layer and documentation to be used with the Yocto Project. The BSP provides a solid base for product development and easy adoption of current and new platforms. The landing page for FSL Community BSP Project is http://freescale.github.io. The current BSP offers support for several boards, including most of Freescale reference designs, provides an updated Release Notes document which contains the reference for all supported boards, documentation, contributing guidelines and more. Please visit our page at http://freescale.github.io and learn how to download the source code, how to contribute and how to subscribe to our mailing list.  Contact meta-freescale@yoctoproject.org if any questions.
Adeneo Embedded is among the only SI to provide a Windows Embedded Compact 2013 solution on i.MX6 and to have developed a fast boot implementation of WEC2013 on the i.MX6 SDP. Fast boot is a common request from customers but a complicated one to implement. Adeneo has implemented fast boot features on several operating systems on the i.MX6. Contact: sales@adeneo-embedded.com
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc_YFQ5v_w0 iWave Systems Technologies, an ISO 9001:2008 certified company, established in the year 1999, offers Product Engineering services from concept to market. Today, iWave is one of the leading design houses for Embedded Systems, basically focuses on providing the featured services for Hardware, FPGA and Software, which made this company to deliver the turn-key embedded solutions under one roof. Being in this particular business for long years, iWave has developed rich expertise on ARM architecture based processor platforms and has delivered the robust designs for exciting embedded applications in Industrial, Automotive and Medical domains. Being a certified Silver Partner of Microsoft, iWave provides Windows Embedded Compact BSP to its customers for catering high-end applications.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 iWave has been an innovator in developing highly integrated, high performance, low power and low cost System-On-Modules (SOM) and Development Platforms. The company designs and develops advanced cutting edge products & solutions for its customers using SOMs in the shortest possible time at the most optimized design cost. iWave’s flexible business models for onsite and offshore design support will enable the clients to go for their choice of trade.  Being partnered with the silicon provider Freescale, iWave has worked on many of the ARM based Processors designed by Freescale in its timeline. iWave systems offers Freescale processor based Standard and Proprietory SOMs to meet the market needs for creating innovative end-applications. Also For each of the modules, iWave provides the Development Platforms to facilitate quick software prototyping associated with the Board Support Packages (BSPs) especially for the Linux, Windows Embedded, Android, QNX, VxWorks and iTRON operating systems. Today, we are going to discuss about iWave’s expertise on Freescale processor based products. From the time initial Qseven draft specification was announced, iWave Systems has worked on typical Qseven standard modules based on Freescale processors with generic Qseven carrier board targeting Industrial, Automotive IVI and Medical Applications. i.MX processor based Qseven SOMs: iWave has worked on Freescale’s latest i.MX6 processor based Qseven SOM, with 1GB DDR3 RAM, 2MB SPI flash, 4GB NAND flash and 4GB eMMC flash. It supports Linux, WEC7, and Android operating systems. Freescale’s i.MX51 processor based Qseven SOM from iWave is provided with 128MB DDR2 SDRAM Expandable up to 512MB, NAND Flash of 128MB and supports Linux, Android & WINCE 6.0. Moreover, iWave’s Qseven expertise ranges in delivering the high class Development Platforms like i.MX6 Qseven Development Kit and i.MX51 Qseven development kit. iWave’s Qseven modules offers the best cost & performance solution for many Mobile and Handheld applications. Also, iWave’s Qseven modules provide wide range of features and functions for designing any kind of embedded applications. iWave’s Qseven form factor modules provide fast serial interfaces like PCIe Express, SATA, USB Port, HDMI Display Port, Gigabit Ethernet etc for the high-end developments in designing a product. i.MX processor based MXM System on Modules: Freescale’s latest i.MX6 processor based MXM SOM from iWave comes with a ruggedized MXM connector which provides the carrier board interface to carry all the I/O signals. This module functions with 1GB DDR3 RAM, 2MB SPI flash, 4GB eMMC flash and NAND Flash. It supports Linux and Android operating systems.            iWave has also worked on Freescale's i.MX53 processor based MXM system on module with the automotive temperature grade. This module is provided with 512MB DDR2 RAM, 4GB eMMC Flash, 16MB SPI NOR Flash and supports Linux, Android and WEC7 BSP. With the support for numerous essential interfaces and diverse features, and keeping the main focus on automotive, industrial and medical sectors, these MXM modules are tailored to excel in the performance. i.MX processor based Single Board Computers: The Freescale processor family in iWave has got bigger with the addition of Single Board Computers (SBCs). iWave has developed SBCs based on various Freescale application processors like i.MX6, i.MX50 and i.MX27. They are equipped with all the necessary functions that the embedded world demands on a single board and readily available to deploy in product design. iWave’s i.MX6 Pico ITX SBC measuring just 10cm x 7.2cm, is the industry’s latest Single Board Computer around Freescale’s i.MX6 processor that includes single, dual, and quad-core families based on the ARM Cortex-A9 architecture. This product is iWave’s 4th i.MX6 processor based design and is supplied with 512MB DDR3 RAM, On-board MicroSD slot, Standard SD/SDIO slot, eMMC support, SPI flash etc. It supports Linux, Android and WEC7 BSP. The i.MX50 Quick Start Board (QSB) is a low cost development platform based on Freescale’s i.MX50 processor, which incorporates high performance 800MHz ARM Cortex-A8 processor Electronic Paper Display (EPD) Controller and numerous connectivity options. The i.MX27/ARM9 processor based SBC and Development Platform, helps developers to prototype their applications on Windows CE 6.0, Android and Linux. Around this platform, about 15+ designs have been developed. The SBCs integrate all standard interfaces into a single board providing ultra-compact yet highly integrated platform that can be utilized across multiple embedded PC, system and industrial designs. Apart from these products, iWave specializes in providing complete turnkey design services for system engineering and product development including all hardware and software customized for your applications. iWave has provided complete customized solutions with end applications to several customers and these accomplished projects are successfully serving the purpose of their requirements. iWave’s i.MX SOM modules/services are already being used for variety of applications in focused domains. The company has worked on plenty of fully integrated systems like Digital Signage, Driver Console System, ECG Product Development, Automobile Infotainment, Industrial HMI, Skin Analyser, Video Phone, Quad Display System etc. For more details on all these products and services, kindly visit our website www.iwavesystems.com OR E-mail us on mktg@iwavesystems.com..... Thank you!!
RIoTboard is an open source, single board, platform based on the i.MX 6Solo processor using ARM® Cortex®-A9 architecture, designed to help speed development with the designer and hobbyist in mind.  See details here.   • Faster time-to-market • Open Source • Price & Performance Begin your revolution at RIoTboard.org