We made a custom board with imxrt1064 processor equipped with 2 ethernet ports, the hardware is the same. We tested succesfully the demo software "evkmimxrt1064_lwip_tcpecho_bm" with ethernet port 1. We modified the demo code for ethernet port 2 but unfortunately it doesn't work. Checking the signals MDIO and MDC, they are alive with a frequency of 2.5MHz while pin TX_REF_CLOCK's clock is 50MHz.
With ethernet port 1, using the function PHY_KSZ8081_GetLinkSpeedDuplex() the speed and the duplex are both correct as set in the hardware (100M full duplex), with ethernet port 2, the result is not correct (10M half duplex). It seems to me that the transreceiver is not responding..
In attachment you can find both the schematic and the chosen pins for ethernet 2.
Could you check the hardware if there are any mistakes?
Thank you.
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