First of all I am aware of this post https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-RT/CANopen-SDK-changing-Peripherals/m-p/1095468 .
Although I read the CANopen SDK, I couldn't see any statement about the pin configuration. As I understand from the reply to the post referenced, we cannot change the pins that the CANopen library will use. I hope I misunderstood. How can I change pins if I got it wrong (without changing Peripheral).
Kind regards,
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Hi @jingpan ,
Thank you for your reply. Sorry I did not mentioned at my question. I am using MIMX RT 1052 and CANopen library uses FlexCAN2.
Can I assume that your answer not changed and I can use any pin of FlexCAN2 for CANopen library.
Kind regards,