We are trying to interface lpi2c1(evk) interface to sensor board.
We have changed baud rate more than 2MHZ but we have checked with logic analyzer imxrt1064 producing 1.2MHZ only.
How to set 2MHZ baud rate properly.
We want to run i2c peripheral high speed per second we need to get data 12800 and needs to store into sdcard fat32 but storing we are facing issue only 6000 data able to store.
We need to increase i2c and sdcard clock speed to perform high speed operation per second 12800 data needs get and store into sdcard.
Please help us to solve this issue.
Hi Dhevan,
It seems 2M speed is only reached by Ultra-Fast mode. Please see table 59 in datasheet.
But Ultra-Fast mode can only output. Please see in reference manual.
Maybe you can buffer the data and speed up SDCARD write.