IMXRT1064 board show Unable to connect wire for probe index 1 when flashing it

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IMXRT1064 board show Unable to connect wire for probe index 1 when flashing it

Contributor I


I have been working with the IMXRT1064 board just well so far, I succeed to flash my program using the ethernet controller, etc... And after some months without using it, coming back with the same program, I get the following error when trying to flash the board with a copy/paste .bin images, error: The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU.

So I tried to flash the hello world sample in the MCUXpressoIDE and I get an error pop up showing the following error : Unable to connect wire for probe index 1. I have updated the firmware as suggested in other threads to DAPLink v0246 but this doesn't solve the issue.

I finally used the to erase the flash memory. I proceed in the following way: first I put the board in serial download mode, I erase the ROM memory with the following configuration :


Then I switch the boot mode to internal boot again, I try to flash the hello world sample in MCUXpressoIDE and still have the Unable to connect wire for probe index 1 error. I finally succeed to flash the sample using the MCUbootUtility selecting the .axf file generated by the MCUXpressoIDE.

But I still face the Unable to connect wire for probe index 1 error in MCUXpressoIDE.

How should I proceed to get rid of this error and being able to flash the board with MCUXpressoIDE and flash with copy/paste as before ?

Thanks for your help.


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5 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @grap ,

Use JLink to erase the flash if you have an external debugger.

If not, the on-board debugger can also be flashed with JLink firmware and used as a JLink.

It should work fine after that.

Best regards,



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Contributor I

Hi Gavin,

Thanks for your answer,

I succeed to flash a sample application using the on-board debugger and the JLink Firmware. I also succeed to erase the flash memory with the on-board debugger and MCUxpressoIDE.

But switching back to the OpenSDA Firmware it runs again on the "Unable to connect.." error flashing the same application.

Is there a way to recover the usage of OpenSDA Firmware ?

Thanks for your help.


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @grap ,

I have never encountered this problem before. After encountering the same issue before, the board was restored by erasing the flash using an external JLink debugger. After that, OpenSDA should be fine regardless of whether it's running JLink firmware or DAP firmware.

Could you try changing the OpenSDA firmware back to DAP and try again?

Best regards,


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Contributor I

Hi Gavin,

I'm actually using the internal on-board debugger to erase the flash. I checked with J-link utilities and the flash was successfully erased.

I'm not sure to understand what you suggest ? 

To erase and program the flash I switch to LPC-Link2 Segger J-Link firmware following the instruction of AN13206.

Then I follow the instructions to switch back to default firmware OpenSDA DapLink firmware. The following error occurs when executing the "./lpcscrypt erase all" command, but I wasn't worried since it is specify that "Errors may be reported but can be ignored.".

lpscrypt error.png

Following steps don't report errors and at the end my computer recognize the mass storage device with the name RT1064-EVK.

Then I deal again with the problems described above.


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @grap ,

Sorry the description info is confusing me now too. Let's freshen it up a bit.

First of all, OpenSDA, as an on-board debugger, is capable of running two firmwares, JLink-Ob and DAPLink. For the initial issue, my suggestion was to use an external JLink or OpenSDA's JLink-Ob to erase the flash, and my guess is that after that the boards were back to normal, but it didn't work on your end. (Erasing the flash worked, but the OpenSDA DAPLink firmware was still faulty afterward)

If my description above is correct, let's move to the following solution.

1. Is it successful to flash a simple blink project from SDK in normal internal boot mode, using an external JLink debugger?

2. Boot mode is the same as 1, using an external JLink debugger, flash the project that you had an error before the success or not?

Best regards,


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