Hi @MrHWT ,
Thanks for the interest in NXP MIMXRT series!
Regarding to the EVK, to connect an external JTAG debugger first you need to remove jumpers J47, J48, and J49. Then you should use connector J21 to connect your external debug probe to the RT.
For your customer board, please refer to the EVK hardware design. And just as a heads up, the debug interface of the RT10xx comes by default to work with SWD, if you want to communicate with JTAG, you will need to burn the fuse DAP_SJC_SWD_SEL.
Best regards,
As you are using J-Trace. Did you tried the example from Segger?
This is for 1050, but the 1064 should work the same way.
Same board. RT1052 is ok, RT1064 can not trace. All use the example code from the official website.