We are using IMXRT1170 EVK In our project. and we are using External flash memory.
1. How to do partition of external flash memory?
2.Thought use One partition is to store the data using File system and remaining partition is for secure boot and secure firmware update without file system. Is it possible to use? If yes which partition of flash will support for File system and without file system?
3. If question 2 is not possible, what are other possibilities please suggest?
Thanks in advance
I hope you are well, I will gladly answer your questions:
1. It can be done through the linker files or in project properties under C/C++Build -> MCU Settings on Memory details.
2. . You can share the flash to execute and store data but you need to execute the drivers in RAM and stop any other XiP access during such operations.
So it is essential to use Non-XIP mode so that after boot, the code runs in RAM and the remaining space can be used for the file system.
Additionally, if your flash memory is capable of using RWW(Read While Write) you might refer to this AN: Implement RWW on i.MX RT Series (nxp.com)
Best regards,
Thank you for response,
How to boot the secure firmware image and bootloader in non XIP mode using external SDRAM? is there any example please share with us
please find the attached image how we are utilizing QSPI Flash and SDRAM for Secure Boot and Secure firmware update
Thanks in advance
You can refer to this post: RT1050 - Booting from serial NOR flash to SDRAM - NXP Community
You need to first initialize the external SDRAM with a DCD file so it is ready at boot time to copy the image from NOR flash to SDRAM.
The ROM through High Assurance Boot(HAB) validates that the image in flash is valid and allowed to run before copying it to SDRAM.
You can generate the secure image and run it in SDRAM with the Secure Provisioning Tool or MCUBootUtility.
Best regards,
We are using IMXRT1170 EVK and using External flash memory in FreeRTOS Environment.
1. How to do partition of external flash memory?
2. We want to do partition of external flash memory in freeRTOS environment,
a) one for Secure Boot and Secure Firmware without File System and
b) One to store data using File System.
c) if option a is not possible, Can we use File System for Secure boot and Secure firmware?
3. If question 2 is not possible, what are other possibilities please suggest?
Thanks in advance.