I link a USB Hub (4 ports) to i.MXRT1011 USB2.0 port, then use SDK_2.6.0_EVK-MIMXRT1010\boards\evkmimxrt1010\usb_examples\usb_host_msd_fatfs\bm to test if i.MXRT1011 can support above two U-disks, but find that one U-disk is OK and above two U-disks is failed.
My question: 1> Does i.MXRT1011 can support more U-disks by USB Hub?
2> If can, how to modify the code to support?
Hello Jimmy,
Regarding your questions please see my comments below:
Does i.MXRT1011 can support more U-disks by USB Hub?
The USB stack does support USB Hub. However, all the projects that we have within the SDK support only one endpoint.
If can, how to modify the code to support?
Unfortunately, we don't have any document or example project that demonstrates how to do this. I apologize for the inconvenience that this might cause.
Best Regards,
Hi Victor,
Get it.
Hi, Jimmy Li!
Were you able to find an example of using USB HUB, or do you have any understanding of USB HUB support in the SDK (usb_host_hub*.*)?
We have test the USB hub link funciton and OK, now we are trying to enumerate the devices.