i.MX RT Crossover MCUs Knowledge Base

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i.MX RT Crossover MCUs Knowledge Base


INTRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS INTEGRATION     1. INTRODUCTION   This document provides an step-by-step guide to migrate the webcam application explained on AN12103 "Developing a simple UVC device based on i.MX RT1050" to EVKB-MIMXRT1050. The goal is getting the application working on rev. B silicon, using the current SDK components (v2.4.2) and with MCUXpresso IDE (v10.2.1), because the original implementation from the application note is using rev. A silicon and is developed on IAR IDE.   2. REQUIREMENTS   A) Download and install MCUXpresso IDE v10.2.1. B) Build an MCUXpresso SDK v2.4.2 for EVKB-MIMXRT1050 from the "SDK Builder web page", ensuring that CSI and USB components are included, and MCUXpresso IDE is selected, and install it. For A) and B) steps, you could refer to the following Community document: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-341985  C) Download the source code related to AN12103. D) Having the EVKB-MIMXRT1050 board, with MT9M1114 camera module. 3. INTEGRATION   a) Open MCUXpresso IDE, and click on "Import SDK example" shortcut, select the "evkbimxrt1050" board and click on "Next" button. b) Select the "driver_examples->csi->csi_rgb565" and "usb_examples->dev_video_virtual_camera_bm" examples, and click on "Finish" button. c) Copy the "fsl_csi.h", "fsl_csi.c", "fsl_lpi2c.h" and "fsl_lpi2c.c" files from the "drivers" folder of CSI project, to the "drivers" folder of the Virtual_Camera project. d) Copy the "pin_mux.h" and "pin_mux.c" files from the "board" folder of CSI project, to the "board->src" folder of the Virtual_Camera project, replacing the already included files. e) Copy the "camera" folder from AN12103 software package from the path below, to the Virtual_Camera project: <AN12103SW\boards\evkmimxrt1050\user_apps\uvc_demo\src\camera> Also copy the "main.c" file from AN12103 software package to the "sources" folder of the Virtual_Camera project. Ensure selecting the option "Copy files and folders" when copying folders/files. f) Right click on the recently added "camera" folder, and select "Properties". Then, on the "C/C++ Build" menu, remove the checkbox "Exclude resource from build" option, and then click on "Apply and Close" button. g) Right click on the Virtual_Camera project, and select "Properties". Then, select the "C/C++ Build -> Settings -> MCU C Compiler -> Preprocessor" menu, and click on the "+" button to add the following value: "SDK_I2C_BASED_COMPONENT_USED=1", and click on "OK" button. h) Now, move to the "Includes" menu of the same window, and click on the "+" button to add the following value: "../camera". Repeat the same procedure on "MCU Assembler -> General" menu, and then, click on "Apply and Close" button. i) Refer to "usb" folder from AN12103 software package from the path below, and copy "video_camera.h", "video_camera.c", "usb_device_descriptor.h" and "usb_device_descriptor.c" files to the "sources" folder of Virtual_Camera project, ensuring selecting the option "Copy files and folders" and overwriting the already included files: <AN12103SW\boards\evkmimxrt1050\user_apps\uvc_demo\src\usb> j) Select "video_data.h", "video_data.c", "virtual_camera.h" and "virtual_camera.c" files and "doc" folder, then right click and select "Delete". Click on "OK" button of the confirmation window to remove these resources from the Virtual_Camera project. k) Refer to "fsl_mt9m114.c" file from "camera" folder of Virtual_Camera project, and delete the "static" definition from functions "MT9M114_Init", "MT9M114_Deinit", "MT9M114_Start", "MT9M114_Stop", "MT9M114_Control" and "MT9M114_InitExt". l) Refer to "main.c" file from "sources" folder of Virtual_Camera project, and comment out the call to the function "BOARD_InitLPI2C1Pins". Also, refer to "board.c" file from "board->src" folder of Virtual_Camera project, and comment out the call to the function "SCB_EnableDCache". m) Refer to "camera_device.c" file from "camera" folder of Virtual_Camera project, and comment out the line "AT_NONCACHEABLE_SECTION_ALIGN(static uint16_t s_cameraFrameBuffer[CAMERA_FRAME_BUFFER_COUNT][CAMERA_VERTICAL_POINTS * CAMERA_HORIZONTAL_POINTS + 32u], FRAME_BUFFER_ALIGN);" and add the following line: static uint16_t __attribute__((section (".noinit.$BOARD_SDRAM"))) s_cameraFrameBuffer[CAMERA_FRAME_BUFFER_COUNT][CAMERA_VERTICAL_POINTS * CAMERA_HORIZONTAL_POINTS + 32u] __attribute__ ((aligned (FRAME_BUFFER_ALIGN))); n) Compile and download the application into the EVKB-MIMXRT1050 board. The memory usage is shown below: o) When running the application, if you also have the serial terminal connected, you should see the print message. Additionally, if connected to Windows OS, you could find it as "CSI Camera Device" under the "Imaging devices" category. p) Optionally, you could rename the Virtual_Camera project to any other desired name, with rigth click on Project, and selecting "Rename" option, and finally, click on "OK" button. It is also attached the migrated MCUXpresso IDE project including all the steps mentioned on the present document. Hope this will be useful for you. Best regards! Some additional references: https://community.nxp.com/thread/321587  Defining Variables at Absolute Addresses with gcc | MCU on Eclipse   
[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-341317
This document describes how to use I2S (Inter-IC Sound Bus) and DMA to record and playback audio using NXP's i.MX RT600 crossover MCUs. It also includes the process of how to use the codec chip to process audio data on the i.MX RT600 Evaluation Kit (EVK) based on the Cadence® Tensilica® HiFi4 Audio DSP. Click here to access the full application note.
Introduction i.MX RT ROM bootloader provides a wealth of options to enable user programs to start in various ways. In some cases, people want to copy application image from Flash or other storage device to SDRAM and run there. In this article, I record three ways to realize this. Section 2 and 3 shows load image from NOR flash. Section 4 shows load image from SD card. Software and Tools: MCUXpresso IDE v11.1 NXP-MCUBootUtility 2.2.0   MIMXRT1060-EVK   RT1060 SDK v2.7.0   Win10   Add DCD by MCUxpresso IDE If customers use MCUXpresso to develop the project, they can add DCD head by MCUXpresso. To show the work flow, we take evkmimxrt1020_iled_blinky as the example. Step 1: Add the following to Compiler options: XIP_BOOT_HEADER_DCD_ENABLE=1 SKIP_SYSCLK_INIT Step 2: Modify the Memory Configuration Step 3: Select link application to RAM Step 4. Compile the project. MCUXpresso will generate linker script automatically. Step 5. Since the code should be linked to RAM, MCUXpresso will not prefix IVT and DCD. We can add these link information to linker script manually. Add below code to .ld file’s head.     .boot_hdr : ALIGN(4)     {         FILL(0xff)         __boot_hdr_start__ = ABSOLUTE(.) ;         KEEP(*(.boot_hdr.conf))         . = 0x1000 ;         KEEP(*(.boot_hdr.ivt))         . = 0x1020 ;         KEEP(*(.boot_hdr.boot_data))         . = 0x1030 ;         KEEP(*(.boot_hdr.dcd_data))         __boot_hdr_end__ = ABSOLUTE(.) ;         . = 0x2000 ;     } >BOARD_SDRAM   Then deselect “Manage linker script” in last screenshot. Step 6. Recompile the project, IVT/DCD/BOOT_DATA will be add to your project. Then right click the project axf file->Binary Utilities->Create S-record.   After all these step, you can open MCUBootUtility and download the .s19 file to NOR flash.   Add DCD by MCUBootUtility We can also keep the linker script managed by IDE. MCUBootUtility can add head too. Sometimes it is more flexible than other manners. Step 1. This time BOARD_SDRAM location should be changed to 0x80002000 while the size should be 0x1cff000. This is because the start 8k space in bootable image is saved for IVT and DCD. Step 2. compile the project and generate the .s19 file. Step 3. Open MCUBootUtility. In MCUBootUtility, we should first set the Device Configuration Data. Here I use MIMXRT1060_EVK. So I select the DCD bin file in NXP-MCUBootUtility-2.2.0\src\targets\MIMXRT1062. After that, select the application image file and click All-in-one Action button. MCUBootUtility can do all the work without any manual operation.   Boot from SD card to SDRAM In some application, customer don’t want XIP. They want to use SD card to keep application image and run the code in RAM. But if the code size is bigger than OCRAM size, they have to copy image into SDRAM when startup. With MCUBootUtility’s help, this work is very easy too.  User just need to change the memory map which is located to 0x80001000.   In MCUBootUtility, select the Boot Device to “uSDHC SD” and insert SD card. Then connect the target board. If RT1060 can read the SD card, it will display the SD card information. Then same as last section, set the DCD file and application image file. Click the All-in-One Action button, MCUBootUtility will generate the bootable image and write it to SD card.   SD card has huge capacity. It's too wasteful to only store boot image. People may ask that can they also create a FAT32 system and store more data file in it? Yes, but you need tool's help. When booting from SD card, ROM code read IVT and DCD from SD card address 0x400. To FAT32, the first 512 bytes in SD is for MBR(MAIN BOOT RECORD). Data in address 0x1c6 in MBR reords the partition start address. If the space from MBR to partition start address is big enough to store boot image, then FAT32 system and boot image can live in peace. .   Conclusions:      To help Boot ROM initialize SDRAM, DCD must be placed at right place and indexed by IVT correctly. When our code seems not work, we should first check IVT and DCD.          The IVT offset from the base address for each boot device type is defined in the table below. The location of the IVT is the only fixed requirement by the ROM. The remainder or the image memory map is flexible and is determined by the contents of the IVT.
RT1050 HAB Encrypted Image Generation and Analysis 1, Introduction      The NXP RT series can support multiple boot modes, it incluses: unsigned image mode, HAB signed image mode, HAB encryption image mode, and BEE encryption  image mode.       In order to understand the specific structure of the HAB encryption app, this article will generate a non-XIP app image, then generate the relevant burning file through the elftosb.exe tool in the flashloader i.MX-RT1050, and use MFGTOOL to enter the serial download mode to download the .sb file.       This article will focus on the download steps of RT1050 HAB encryption related operations, and analyze the structure of the HAB encrypted app image.     2, RT1050 HAB Encypted Operation Procedure At first, we analyze the steps of MFGtool burning, which files are needed, so as to give specific preparation, open the ucl2.xml file in the following path of the flashloader: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\mfgtools-rel\Profiles\MXRT105X\OS Firmware Because we need to use the HAB encrypated boot mode, then we will use MXRT105X-SecureBoot, from the ucl2.xml file, we will find the following related code: Fig 1. MXRT1050-SecureBoot structure As you can see from the above, to implement the secure boot of RT1050, you need to prepare these three files: ivt_flashlloader_signed.bin: it is the signed flashloader binary file enable_hab.sb: it is used to modify the SRK and HABmode in the fuse map boot_image.sb: HAB encrypted app program file       Here is a flow chart of the overall HAB encryption operation step, after checking this figure, then we will follow it step by step.     Fig 2. MXRT1050 HAB encrypted image flow chart     The app image we used in this article is the RAM app, so, at first, we need to prepare one RAM based app image. In this document, we are directly use the prepared  RAM based app image: evkbimxrt1050_led_softwarereset_0xa000.s19, this app code function is: After download the code to the MIMXRT1050-EVKB(qspi flash) board, the on board led D18 will blinky and printf the information, after pressing the WAKEUP button SW8, the code will implement software reset and printf the related information. The unsigned code test print result are as follows:      BOARD RESET start.  Helloworld. WAKEUP key pressed, will do software system reset.  BOARD RESET start.  Helloworld. 2.1 CST tool preparation      Because the contains a lot of steps, then customer can refer to the following document do the related configuration, this document, we won’t give the CST configuration detail steps. Please check these documents: https://www.cnblogs.com/henjay724/p/10219459.html https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-340904 Security Application Note AN12079 After the CST tool configuration, please copy the cst.exe, crts filder, key folder from cst folder to the same folder that holds elftosb executable files: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\elftosb\win Please also copy SRK_1_2_3_4_fuse.bin and SRK_1_2_3_4_table.bin to the above folder. 2.2  Sign flashloader    Please refer to application note AN12079 chapter 3.3.1, copy flashloader.elf from folder path: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Flashloader And the imx-flexspinor-normal-signed.bd  from folder path: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\bd_file\imx10xx to the folder: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\elftosb\win Please open commander window under the elftosb folder, then input this commander: elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c imx-flexspinor-flashloader-signed.bd -o ivt_flashloader_signed.bin flashloader.elf Fig 3.  Sign flashloader  This steps will generate the  ivt_flashlaoder_signed.bin, which is needed to put under the MFGtool OS Firmware folder, just used for enter the signed flashloader mode. 2.3 SRK and HAB mode fuse modification files Please refer to AN12079 chapter 4.3, copy the enable_hab.bd file from folder path: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\bd_file\imx10xx to this folder path: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\elftosb\win Please refer to the chapter 2.1 generated SRK_1_2_3_4_fuse.bin, modify the enable_hab.bd like the following picture: Fig 4. enable_hab.bd SRK and HAB mode fuse modification Then,  in the elftosb window, please input the following command, just used to generate the enable_hab.sb program file: elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c enable_hab.bd -o enable_hab.sb Fig 5. SRK and HAB mode program files generation 2.4 APP Encrypted Image      If you want to do the HAB encrypted image download, you need to prepare one non-XIP app image, here we prepared one RAM based APP srec files.      Because the app file is the RAM files, then we also need the related RAM encrypted .bd files, please copy imx-itcm-encrypted.bd from the folder path:      Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\bd_file\imx10xx to this folder path: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\elftosb\win Open imx-itcm-encrypted.bd, then modify the following content: options {     flags = 0x0c;     # Note: This is an example address, it can be any non-zero address in ITCM region     startAddress = 0x8000;     ivtOffset = 0x1000;     initialLoadSize = 0x2000;     # Note: This is required if the cst and elftsb are not in the same folder     # Note: This is required if the default entrypoint is not the Reset_Handler     #       Please set the entryPointAddress to Reset_Handler address   entryPointAddress = 0x0000a2dd; } Here, we need to note these two points: (1)    ivtOffset = 0x1000; If the external flash is flexspi flash, then we need to modify ivtOffset as 0X1000, if it is the nandflash, we need to use the 0X400. (2) entryPointAddress = 0x0000a2dd; The entryPointsAddress should be the app code reset handlder, it is the app start address+4 data, the entry address is also OK, but we suggest you to use the app Reset_Handler address. Fig 6. App reset handler address Then input the following commander in the elftosb windows: elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c imx-itcm-encrypted.bd -o ivt_evkbimxrt1050_led_softwarereset_0xa000_encrypted.bin evkbimxrt1050_led_softwarereset_0xa000.s19 Fig 7. App HAB Encrypted file generation Please note, we need to record the generated key blob offset address, it is 0XA00, just like the above data in the red frame, this address will be used in the next chapter’s .bd file. After this step, it will generate 7 files:          (1)  ivt_evkbimxrt1050_led_softwarereset_0xa000_encrypted.bin, this file includes the FDCB which is filled with 0, IVT, BD, DCD, APP HAB encrypted image data, CSF data (2)  ivt_evkbimxrt1050_led_softwarereset_0xa000_encrypted_nopadding.bin, compare with ivt_evkbimxrt1050_led_softwarereset_0xa000_encrypted.bin, this file deletes the 0s which is above IVT range. (3)  Csf.bin, it is the HAB data area, you can find the data contains the csf data, it is from 0X8000 to 0X8F80 in the generated ivt_evkbimxrt1050_led_softwarereset_0xa000_encrypted.bin. Fig 8. Csf data and the encrypted app relationship      (4) dek.bin Fig 9. Dek data DEK data is the AES-128 bits key, it is not defined by the customer, it is random generated automatically by the HAB encrypted tool. (5) input.csf Open it, you can find the following content: Fig10. Input csf file content (6) rawbytes.bin,  this is the app image plaintext data, it doesn’t contains the FDCB,IVT,BOOTDATA, DCD, csf etc.    (7) temp.bin, it is the temperate file, compare with ivt_evkbimxrt1050_led_softwarereset_0xa000_encrypted.bin, no csf files.   2.5 HAB Encrypted QSPI program file    Here we need to prepare one program_flexspinor_image_qspinor_keyblob.bd file, and put it under the same folder as elftosb, this file is used to generate the HAB encrypted program .sb file. Because the flashloader package didn’t contains it, then we paste all the related content, and I will also attach it in the attachment. # The source block assign file name to identifiers sources { myBinFile = extern (0); dekFile = extern (1); } constants { kAbsAddr_Start= 0x60000000; kAbsAddr_Ivt = 0x60001000; kAbsAddr_App = 0x60002000; } # The section block specifies the sequence of boot commands to be written to the SB file section (0) { #1. Prepare Flash option # 0xc0000006 is the tag for Serial NOR parameter selection # bit [31:28] Tag fixed to 0x0C # bit [27:24] Option size fixed to 0 # bit [23:20] Flash type option # 0 - QuadSPI SDR NOR # 1 - QUadSPI DDR NOR # 2 - HyperFLASH 1V8 # 3 - HyperFLASH 3V # 4 - Macronix Octal DDR # 6 - Micron Octal DDR # 8 - Adesto EcoXIP DDR # bit [19:16] Query pads (Pads used for query Flash Parameters) # 0 - 1 # 2 - 4 # 3 - 8 # bit [15:12] CMD pads (Pads used for query Flash Parameters) # 0 - 1 # 2 - 4 # 3 - 8 # bit [11: 08] Quad Mode Entry Setting # 0 - Not Configured, apply to devices: # - With Quad Mode enabled by default or # - Compliant with JESD216A/B or later revision # 1 - Set bit 6 in Status Register 1 # 2 - Set bit 1 in Status Register 2 # 3 - Set bit 7 in Status Register 2 # 4 - Set bit 1 in Status Register 2 by 0x31 command # bit [07: 04] Misc. control field # 3 - Data Order swapped, used for Macronix OctaFLASH devcies only (except MX25UM51345G) # 4 - Second QSPI NOR Pinmux # bit [03: 00] Flash Frequency, device specific load 0xc0000006 > 0x2000; # Configure QSPI NOR FLASH using option a address 0x2000 enable flexspinor 0x2000; #2 Erase flash as needed. erase 0x60000000..0x60020000; #3. Program config block # 0xf000000f is the tag to notify Flashloader to program FlexSPI NOR config block to the start of device load 0xf000000f > 0x3000; # Notify Flashloader to response the option at address 0x3000 enable flexspinor 0x3000; #5. Program image load myBinFile > kAbsAddr_Ivt; #6. Generate KeyBlob and program it to flexspinor # Load DEK to RAM load dekFile > 0x10100; # Construct KeyBlob Option #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # bit [31:28] tag, fixed to 0x0b # bit [27:24] type, 0 - Update KeyBlob context, 1 Program Keyblob to flexspinor # bit [23:20] keyblob option block size, must equal to 3 if type =0, # reserved if type = 1 # bit [19:08] Reserved # bit [07:04] DEK size, 0-128bit 1-192bit 2-256 bit, only applicable if type=0 # bit [03:00] Firmware Index, only applicable if type = 1 # if type = 0, next words indicate the address that holds dek # the 3rd word #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tag = 0x0b, type=0, block size=3, DEK size=128bit load 0xb0300000 > 0x10200; # dek address = 0x10100 load 0x00010100 > 0x10204; # keyblob offset in boot image # Note: this is only an example bd file, the value must be replaced with actual # value in users project load 0x0000a000 > 0x10208; enable flexspinor 0x10200; #7. Program KeyBlob to firmware0 region load 0xb1000000 > 0x10300; enable flexspinor 0x10300; }‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Please note, in the above chapter, fig 7, we mentioned the keyblob offset address, we need to modify it in the following code:     load 0x0000a000 > 0x10208; Now, combine program_flexspinor_image_qspinor_keyblob.bd, ivt_evkbimxrt1050_led_softwarereset_0xa000_encrypted_nopadding.bin and dek.bin file together, we use the following commander to generate the boot_image.sb: elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c program_flexspinor_image_qspinor_keyblob.bd -o boot_image.sb ivt_evkbimxrt1050_led_softwarereset_0xa000_encrypted_nopadding.bin dek.bin Fig 11. App HAB encrypted program file generation Until now, we will find, all the related HAB encrypted files is prepared. 2.6 MFG Tool program HAB Encrypted files to RT1050-EVKB        Before we program it, please copy the following 3 files which is in the elftosb folder: ivt_flashloader_signed.bin enable_hab.sb boot_image.sb to this folder: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\mfgtools-rel\Profiles\MXRT105X\OS Firmware Please modify cfg.ini, the file path is: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\mfgtools-rel Modify the content as: [profiles] chip = MXRT105X [platform] board = [LIST] name = MXRT105X-SecureBoot Choose MXRT105X-SecureBoot program mode. Then open the tool MfgTool2.exe, the board MIMXRT1050-EVKB(need to modify the on board resistor, use the qspi flash) mode should be serial download mode, just modify SW7:1-OFF,2-OFF,3-OFF, 4-ON, connect two usb cable between PC and the board J28 and J9. After the connection, you will find the MfgTool2.exe can detect the HID device: Fig 12. MFG tool program After the program is finished, power off the board, modify the boot mode to internal boot, it is SW7:1-OFF,2-OFF,3-ON, 4-OFF,connect the COM terminal, power on the EVKB board, after reset, you will find the D18 led is blinking, after you press the SW8, you will find the following printf information: BOARD RESET start. Helloworld. WAKEUP key pressed, will do software system reset. ? BOARD RESET start. Helloworld.‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ So, the HAB encrypted image works OK now. 3. App HAB encrypted image structure analysis 3.1 MCUBootUtility Configuration to check the RT Encrypted image      Here, we can also use  MCUBootUtility tool to check the RT chip encrypted image and the fuse data.      If the cst is your own configured, please do the following configuration at first:     (1)Copy the configured cst folder to folder: NXP-MCUBootUtility-2.0.0\tools Delete the original cst folder. (2)Copy SRK_1_2_3_4_fuse.bin and SRK_1_2_3_4_table.bin to folder:  NXP-MCUBootUtility-2.0.0\gen\hab_cert Now, you can use the new MCUBootutility to connect your board which already done the HAB encrypted method. 3.1 RT1050 fuse map comparation Before do the HAB encrypted image program, I have read out the whole fuse map as follows: Fig 13. MIMXRT1050-EVKB fuse map before HAB encrypted image Fig 14. MIMXRT1050-EVKB fuse map after HAB encrypted image Compare the fuse map between do the HAB encrypted image and no HAB encrypted image, we can find two difference: HAB mode, 0X460 bit1:0 open, 1 close SRK area We can find, after program the HAB encrypted image, the SRK fuse data is the same as the SRK data which is defined in the enable_hab.bd. 3.2  Readout HAB encrypted QSPI APP image structure analysis From MCUBootUtility tool, we can find the HAB Encypted image structure should be like this: Fig 15. HAB Encrypted image structure What about the real example image case? Now, we use the MCUbootUtility tool to read out our HAB encrypted image, from address 0X60000000, the readout size is 0XB000. The detail image structure is like following: Fig 16. HAB Encypted image example structure   1): IVT:  hdr,  IVT header, more details, check hab_hdr 2):    IVT: entry, the app entrypointAddress, it should be the reset_handler address, in this document example, it is the address 0xa004 data, the plaintext is 0X00A2DD, but after the HAB encrypted, we can find the address -x60002004 data is the encrypted data 3):  IVT: reserved 4):  IVT: DCD, it is used for the DRAM SEMC configuration, in this example, we didn’t use the SDDRAM, so the data is 0. 5):  IVT: BOOT_DATA, used to indicate the BOOT_DATA  RAM start address 0X9020. 6):  IVT: self, ivt self RAM start address is 0X9000 7):  IVT:CSF, it is used to indicate the CST start address, this example csf ram address is 0X00010000. 8):  IVT:reserved 9): BOOT_DATA:  RAM image start,  the whole image RAM start address, this RAM example BOOT_DATA is 0X8000,0XA000-0X2000=0X8000 10): BOOT_DATA: size, APP while size, it is 0X0000A200, after checking the while generated HAB encrypted app image size, you can find the image end size is really 0XA200, just lke the fig 16. 11):  HAB  Encypted app data,  please check ivt_evkbimxrt1050_led_softwarereset_0xa000_encrypted.bin file, the address 0X2000-0X7250 data, you will find it is the same.   12): HAB data, it incluses the csf, certificate etc data, you can compare the file ivt_evkbimxrt1050_led_softwarereset_0xa000_encrypted.bin address 0X8000-0x8f70 data, it is the same. 13):DEK blob, it is the DEK key blob related data, the offset address is 0XA000, the same as fig 7. FDCB,IVT,BOOT DATA are all plaintext, but app image area is the HAB encrypted data, HAB and the DEK blocb is the generated data put in the related memory. Conclusion     This document we mainly use the elftosb and the MFGTool to generate the HAB encrypted image, and download it to the RT1050 EVKB board, document give the whole detail steps, and us ethe MCUBootutility tool to read out the HAB encrypted image, and analysis the HAB encrypted image structure with the examples.  After compare with the generated mid files, we can find all the data is consist, and all the encrypted data range is the same. The test result also demonstrate the HAB encrypted code function works, the HAB encrypted boot has no problems. All the related files is in the attachment.      
When design a project, sometimes CCM_CLKO1 needs to output different clocks to meet customer needs. This customer does not need to buy a separate crystal, which can reduce costs。The document describe how to make CCM_CLKO1 output different clock on I.MXRT1050. According to  selection of the clock to be generated on CCM_CLKO1(CLKO1_SEL) and setting the divider of CCM_CLKO1(CLKO1_DIV) in I.MXRT1050reference manual. CCM_CLKO1 can output different clock. If CCM_CLKO1 output different clock via SYS PLL clock. We can get the different clock for the application. CLKO1_DIV 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Freq(MHz) 264 132 88 66 52.8 44 37.714 33 For example we want to get 88Mhz output via SYS PLL clock. We can follow the steps as the below(led_blinky project in SDK 😞       1. PINMUX GPIO_SD_B0_04 as CCM_CLKO1 signal.       IOMUXC_SetPinConfig(       IOMUXC_GPIO_SD_B0_04_CCM_CLKO1,              0x10B0u; 2.Enable CCM_CLKO1 signal. CCM->CCOSR |= CCM_CCOSR_CLKO1_EN_MASK; 3.Set CLKO1_DIV to get 88MHZ the clock for the application. CCM->CCOSR = (CCM->CCOSR & (~CCM_CCOSR_CLKO1_DIV_MASK)) | CCM_CCOSR_CLKO1_DIV(2); CCM->CCOSR = (CCM->CCOSR & (~CCM_CCOSR_CLKO1_SEL_MASK)) | CCM_CCOSR_CLKO1_SEL(1); 4 We will get the clock as the below. Note: In principle, it is not recommended to output CLOCK in CCM_CLKO1, if necessary, Please connect an 8-10pf capacitor to GPIO_SD_B0_04, and connect a 22 ohm resistor in series to prevent interference.
Testing Boot times – Generating a bootable image Bootable Image Structure: The bootable image consists of: FlexSPI Configuration Block (FCB) Image Vector Table (IVT) Boot Data Device Configuration Data (DCD) Program image CSF, Certificates, and signatures (this stuff is optional and only comes with high-assurance boot I’ll briefly explain each below: FlexSPI Configuration Block (FCB) The FCB will configure the settings of the FlexSPI communication. It will establish how many ports will be used, what clock speed to run the FlexSPI controller at, etc. This is the first thing that happens, as everything else is stored in Flash memory. In order to read anything else, the flash must first be configured.  Image Vector Table (IVT)  The IVT is a table that tells the memory the addresses of where everything is stored. Boot Data The Boot Data contains pointers to the start address of the Memory. Device Configuration Data (DCD) The DCD contains configuration data to configure any peripherals. Program image The program image contains the code you write to go into the application. CSF, Certificates, and signatures These things are optional. They come with high-assurance boot sequence and will not be covered in this writeup. Below is a rough table outlining these different parts of the boot image: Bootable Image generation software / tools: MCUXpresso – download the MCUXpresso IDE Flash Loader – download from RT1050 page > software and tools > flashloader This entire folder will include the MFGTool, elftosb tool, and more documentation. DCD.bin file: I found mine included in this document: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-340655 Bootable Image Generation Overview MCUXpresso can generate bootable images for Hyperflash and QSPI XiP, but if trying to boot and execute in place of SDRAM or intern SRAM, or from your own memory module, then you must generate a bootable image by through a combination of generating an s record or elf image on MCUXpresso, and then using the flashloader tool suite (elftosb and mfgtool) to create a bootable image and then a bootable program to upload to the board. The entire general process is described below. In subsequent sections, a more detailed step-by-step guide is provided for Hyperflash XiP, SDRAM, and SRAM, each. MCUXpresso Configurations and output: Begin with your application code in MCUXpresso. Change memory allocation in the memory configuration editor of the MCU Settings part of MCUXpresso according to where you would like to boot from. If applicable, be sure to specify in the preprocessor settings if you would like to enable the dcd in the boot image. Generate an s-record (.s19) file from MCUXpresso using binary utilities. Elftosb tool – .bin file generation You can find this tool in the flashloader. Call an imx command to it which will take as input the s-record file containing the program image, a dcd.bin file (may or may not be in the s-record), a FCB?, and a bd_file (given to you, specific to your memory configuration). The elftosb tool will generate as an output a .bin file. Elftosb tool – Bootable image generation Then call the elftosb tool again with a kinetis command. This will take the .bin file and convert it to a boot_image.sb file. MFG tool Then we can use the mfg tool to generate the program image for the board, and upload it. In order to do this, the board SW7 must be set to OFF-ON-OFF-ON, and switch the jumper from J1  (5-6) to J1 (3-4). Connect the USB cable to J9 to power the board. Then connect the board to your computer and run the Mfg tool. Click start and the image will be uploaded.      After this the bootable image will be uploaded to the board and you’ll be good to go! Remember to switch the pin headers back, so the board can boot normally. J1 (5-6) and SW7 to OFF-ON -ON -OFF to boot from Hyperflash. Now in the following sections I’ll break down specific examples of what to do depending on the specific memory location you’d like to boot from. Bootable Image Generation – XiP Hyperflash Please note that this can also be done in MCUXpresso, but In order to use my own dcd file, I did this project using the traditional flashloader tools.   MCUXpresso Configurations and output: Begin by changing memory allocation in the memory configuration editor (edit project settings >> C/C++ Build >> MCU settings >>edit. It should look like the one below. Then go to C/C++ Build >>settings > MCU C compiler > preprocessor and set the XIP_boot_header enable and and XIP_boot_header_DCD_enable both to 0 if you have a dcd.bin file to use. Otherwise set these fields to 1. Hit apply and close. Go to the debug portion and click on binary utilities, then generate an s-record (.s19) file from MCUXpresso.  Click build to re-build the project. Copy this .s19 file. Elftosb tool – .bin file generation In the flashloader tool, go to Tools > elftosb > Win, and drop the .s19 file in this folder, as well as the dcd.bin file. Fire up command prompt in administrator mode, and use command cd [elftosb directory] to get to this folder To generate the .bin file, call the command:   elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c ../../bd_file/imx10xx/imx-flexspinor-normal-unsigned-dcd.bd -o ivt_flexspi_nor_led_blinky.bin HYPERFLASH_led_blinky.s19   This command essentially uses the imx-flexspinor bd linker file to generate a .bin file that will include the dcd.bin header inside. Note that HYPERFLASH_led_blinky.s19 should be renamed to your actual file name acquired from MCUXpresso   Elftosb tool – Bootable image generation Then we must generate the boot_image.sb Then call the elftosb tool again with a kinetis command. This will take the .bin file and convert it to a boot_image.sb file. The command is:   elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c ../../bd_file/imx10xx/program_flexspinor_image_hyperflash.bd -o boot_image.sb ivt_flexspi_nor_led_blinky_nopadding.bin   Note: The output of the first imx command we made must match the input of this one (ivt_flexspi_nor_led_blinky_nopadding.bin). Also, the output must remain named boot_image.sb, otherwise it will not work. MFG tool Then we can use the mfg tool to generate the program image for the board, and upload it. In order to do this, the board SW7 must be set to OFF-ON-OFF-ON, and switch the jumper from J1  (5-6) to J1 (3-4). Connect the USB cable to J9 to power the board. Then connect the board to your computer and run the Mfg tool. Click start and the image will be uploaded.        Copy the boot_image.sb file that we created in the last step. Move it to the directory Tools > mfgtools-rel > Profiles > MXRT105X > OS Firmware, and drop it in here. Next, set SW7 on the board to OFF-ON-OFF-ON, and switch the jumper at the bottom to power the board. Then connect the USB cable to J9. This will allow you to program the board. Go back to the folder mfgtools-rel and Open the Mfg Tool. It should say HID- compliant vendor-defined device. Otherwise double check SW7 and the power pin at the bottom right.   Click start and if successful it should look like: Please note that this success only means that it was able to upload the bootable image to the board. This usually works well. However, if you find later that the board doesn’t do what it’s supposed to, then there might be a problem in the other steps of the processor. Check to make sure you used the right linker file, and that the settings in MCUXpresso are configured correctly. Press stop and exit Remember to switch the pin headers back, so the board can boot normally. J1 (5-6) and SW7 to OFF-ON -ON -OFF to boot from Hyperflash.   Bootable Image Generation – SDRAM The guide is based off this link: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-340655 . Download the files provided there, and unzip. Everything is good except the first step of that pdf document is a little unclear. MCUXpresso Configurations and output: Begin by changing memory allocation in the memory configuration editor of the MCU Settings part of MCUXpresso. It should look like the one below. Then go to settings > MCU C compiler > preprocessor and set the XIP_boot_header enable and and XIP_boot_header_DCD_enable both to 0 Hit apply and close. Go to C/C++ Build >> Settings >> MCU Linker >> Manage linker script, and check the box Link application to RAM. Go to the debug portion and click on binary utilities, then generate an s-record (.s19) file from MCUXpresso.  Click build to re-build the project. You can check the console to verify the correct allocations of memory: Copy this .s19 file. Elftosb tool – .bin file generation In the flashloader tool, go to Tools > elftosb > Win, and drop the .s19 file in this folder, as well as the dcd.bin file. There’s another step for booting from SDRAM. Take the file imx-sdram-normal-unsigned-dcd.bd (included in the link posted) and drag it into Tools > bd_file > imx10xx Fire up command prompt in administrator mode, and use command cd [elftosb directory] to get to this folder To generate the .bin file, call the command:   elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c ../../bd_file/imx10xx/imx-sdram-normal-unsigned-dcd.bd -o evkbimxrt1050_led_blinky.bin SDRAM1_led_blinky.s19   This command essentially uses the imx-flexspinor bd linker file to generate a .bin file that will include the dcd.bin header inside. Note that HYPERFLASH_led_blinky.s19 should be renamed to your actual file name acquired from MCUXpresso   Elftosb tool – Bootable image generation Then we must generate the boot_image.sb Then call the elftosb tool again with a kinetis command. This will take the .bin file and convert it to a boot_image.sb file. The command is:   elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c ../../bd_file/imx10xx/program_flexspinor_image_hyperflash.bd -o boot_image.sb evkbimxrt1050_led_blinky_nopadding.bin   The output of the first imx command we made must match the input of this one. Also, the output must remain named boot_image.sb, otherwise it will not work. Also note that this says flexspinor image hyperflash, but that is correct since we are still technically needing to boot from Hyperflash initially before we copy everything over to SDRAM. Copy the boot_image.sb file. MFG tool Then we can use the mfg tool to generate the program image for the board, and upload it. In order to do this, the board SW7 must be set to OFF-ON-OFF-ON, and switch the jumper from J1  (5-6) to J1 (3-4). Connect the USB cable to J9 to power the board. Then connect the board to your computer and run the Mfg tool. Click start and the image will be uploaded.        Copy the boot_image.sb file that we created in the last step. Move it to the directory Tools > mfgtools-rel > Profiles > MXRT105X > OS Firmware, and drop it in here. Next, set SW7 on the board to OFF-ON-OFF-ON, and switch the jumper at the bottom to power the board. Then connect the USB cable to J9. This will allow you to program the board. Go back to the folder mfgtools-rel and Open the Mfg Tool. It should say HID- compliant vendor-defined device. Otherwise double check SW7 and the power pin at the bottom right.   Click start and if successful it should look like: Please note that this success only means that it was able to upload the bootable image to the board. This usually works well. However, if you find later that the board doesn’t do what it’s supposed to, then there might be a problem in the other steps of the processor. Check to make sure you used the right linker file, and that the settings in MCUXpresso are configured correctly. Press stop and exit Remember to switch the pin headers back, so the board can boot normally. J1 (5-6) and SW7 to OFF-ON -ON -OFF to boot from Hyperflash.   Bootable Image Generation – SRAM This one was a little trickier as there was no appnote, but not too bad. MCUXpresso Configurations and output: Begin by changing memory allocation in the memory configuration editor of the MCU Settings part of MCUXpresso. It should look like the one below. We are linking to copy everything to dtc RAM Then go to settings > MCU C compiler > preprocessor and set the XIP_boot_header enable and and XIP_boot_header_DCD_enable both to 0 Hit apply and close. Go to C/C++ Build >> Settings >> MCU Linker >> Manage linker script, and check the box Link application to RAM.   Go to the debug portion and click on binary utilities, then generate an s-record (.s19) file from MCUXpresso.  Click build to re-build the project. You can verify that application is linked to SRAM in the console: Copy this .s19 file. Elftosb tool – .bin file generation In the flashloader tool, go to Tools > elftosb > Win, and drop the .s19 file in this folder, as well as the dcd.bin file Fire up command prompt in administrator mode, and use command cd [elftosb directory] to get to this folder This step is specific to dtcm ram: Go to Tools >>bd_file >> imx10xx, and open up the imx-dtcm-unsigned-dcd.bd file and change the ivtOffset address to 0x1000. 0x400 is the default for SDCARD booting. To be clear, the bd file should look as below: To generate the .bin file, call the command:   elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c ../../bd_file/imx10xx/imx-dtcm-unsigned-dcd.bd -o evkbimxrt1050_led_blinky.bin SRAM1_led_blinky.s19   This command essentially uses the imx-flexspinor bd linker file to generate a .bin file that will include the dcd.bin header inside. Note that SRAM_led_blinky.s19 should be renamed to your actual file name acquired from MCUXpresso. Elftosb tool – Bootable image generation Then we must generate the boot_image.sb Then call the elftosb tool again with a kinetis command. This will take the .bin file and convert it to a boot_image.sb file. The command is:   elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c ../../bd_file/imx10xx/program_flexspinor_image_hyperflash.bd -o boot_image.sb evkbimxrt1050_led_blinky_nopadding.bin   The output of the first imx command we made must match the input of this one. Also, the output must remain named boot_image.sb, otherwise it will not work. Also note that this says flexspinor image hyperflash, but that is correct since we are still technically needing to boot from Hyperflash initially before we copy everything over to SDRAM. MFG tool Then we can use the mfg tool to generate the program image for the board, and upload it. In order to do this, the board SW7 must be set to OFF-ON-OFF-ON, and switch the jumper from J1  (5-6) to J1 (3-4). Connect the USB cable to J9 to power the board. Then connect the board to your computer and run the Mfg tool. Click start and the image will be uploaded.    Copy the boot_image.sb file that we created in the last step. Move it to the directory Tools > mfgtools-rel > Profiles > MXRT105X > OS Firmware, and drop it in here. Next, set SW7 on the board to OFF-ON-OFF-ON, and switch the jumper at the bottom to power the board. Then connect the USB cable to J9. This will allow you to program the board. Go back to the folder mfgtools-rel and Open the Mfg Tool. It should say HID- compliant vendor-defined device. Otherwise double check SW7 and the power pin at the bottom right.   Click start and if successful it should look like: Please note that this success only means that it was able to upload the bootable image to the board. This usually works well. However, if you find later that the board doesn’t do what it’s supposed to, then there might be a problem in the other steps of the processor. Check to make sure you used the right linker file, and that the settings in MCUXpresso are configured correctly. Press stop and exit Remember to switch the pin headers back, so the board can boot normally. J1 (5-6) and SW7 to OFF-ON -ON -OFF to boot from Hyperflash. Please note that this success only means that it was able to upload the bootable image to the board. This usually works well. However, if you find later that the board doesn’t do what it’s supposed to, then there might be a problem with the other steps of the processor. Check to make sure you used the right linker file, and that the settings in MCUXpresso are configured correctly. After this the bootable image will be uploaded to the board and you’ll be good to go!
One-stop secure boot tool: NXP-MCUBootUtility v1.0.0 is released Source code: https://github.com/JayHeng/NXP-MCUBootUtility 【v1.1.0】 Feature:   1. Support i.MXRT1015   2. Add Language option in Menu/View and support Chinese Improvement:   1. USB device auto-detection can be disabled   2. Original image can be a bootable image (with IVT&BootData/DCD)   3. Show boot sequence page dynamically according to action Interest:   1. Add sound effect (Mario) 【v1.2.0】 Feature:   1. Can generate .sb file for MfgTool and RT-Flash   2. Can show cost time along with gauge Improvement:   1. Non-XIP image can also be supported for BEE Encryption case   2. Display guage in real time Bug:   1. Region count cannot be set more than 1 for Fixed OTPMK Key case   2. Option1 field is not implemented for FlexSPI NOR configuration
Using a different Flash with the RT1050 In IAR/Keil environment , when you change to other flash(not default flash on EVK board), please refer to below AN to modify the code for it. https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12183.pdf
In case you missed our recent webinar, you can check out the slides and comment below with any questions.
RT1015 APP BEE encryption operation method 1 Introduction    NXP RT product BEE encryption can use the master key(the fixed OTPMK SNVS key) or the User Key method. The Master key method is the fixed key, and the user can’t modify it, in the practical usage, a lot of customers need to define their own key, in this situation, customer can use the use key method. This document will take the NXP RT1015 as an example, use the flexible user key method to realize the BEE encryption without the HAB certification.     The BEE encryption test will on the MIMXRT1015-EVK board, mainly three ways to realize it: MCUBootUtility tool , the Commander line method with MFGTool and the MCUXPresso Secure Provisioning tool to download the BEE encryption code.   2 Preparation 2.1  Tool preparation    MCUBootUtility download link:     https://github.com/JayHeng/NXP-MCUBootUtility/archive/v2.3.0.zip    image_enc2.zip download link: https://www.cnblogs.com/henjay724/p/10189602.html After unzip the image_enc2.zip, will get the image_enc.exe, put it under the MCUBootUtility tool folder: NXP-MCUBootUtility-2.3.0\tools\image_enc2\win RT1015 SDK download link: https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/ 2.2 app file preparation    This document will use the iled_blinky MCUXpresso IDE project in the SDK_2.8.0_EVK-MIMXRT1015 as an example, to generate the app without the XIP boot header. Generate evkmimxrt1015_igpio_led_output.s19 will be used later. Fig 1 3 MCUbootUtility BEE encryption with user key   This chapter will use MCUBootUtility tool to realize the app BEE encryption with the user key, no HAB certification. 3.1 MIMXRT1015-EVK original fuse map    Before doing the BEE encryption, readout the original fuse map, it will be used to compare with the fuse map after the BEE encryption operation. Use the MCUbootUtility tool effuse operation utility page can read out all the fuse map. Fig 2 3.2 MCUbootutility BEE encryption configuration Fig 3 This document just use the BEE encryption, without the HAB certificate, so in the “Enable Certificate for HAB(BEE/OTFAD) encryption”, select: No.    Check Fig4, Select the”Key storage region” as flexible user keys, the protect region 0 start from 0X60001000, length is 0x2000, didn’t encrypt all the app region, just used to compare the original app with the BEE encrypted app code, we can find from 0X60003000, the code will be the plaintext code. But from 0X60001000 to 0X60002FFF will be the BEE encrypted code. After the configuration, Click the button”all in one action”, burn the code to the external QSPI flash. Fig 4 Fig 5 SW_GP2 region in the fuse can be burned separated, click the button”burn DEK data” is OK. Fig 6 Then read out all the fuse map again, we can find in the cfg1, BEE_KEY0_SEL is SW-GP2, it defines the BEE key is using the flexible use key method, not the fixed master key. Fig 7 Then, readout the BEE burned code from the flash with the normal burned code from the flash, and compare with it, the detail situation is: Fig 8 Fig 9 Fig 10 Fig 11 Fig 12    We can find, after the BEE encryption, 0X60001000 to 0X60002FFF is the encrypted code, 0X6000400 area add the EKIB0 data, 0X6000480 area add the EPRDB0 data. Because we just select the BEE engine 0, no BEE engine 1, then we can find 0X60000800 EKIB1 and EPRDB1 are all 0, not the valid data. From 0X60003000, we can find the app data is the plaintext data, the same result with our expected BEE configuration app encrypted range.    Until now, we already realize the MCUBootUtility tool BEE encryption. Exit the serial download mode, configure the MIMXRT10150-EVK on board SW8 as: 1-ON, 2-OFF, 3-ON, 4-OFF, reset the board, we can find the on board user LED is blinking, the BEE encrypted code is working. 4 BEE encryption with the Commander line mode    In practical usage, a lot of customers also need to use the commander line mode to realize the BEE encryption operation, and choose MFGTool download method. So this document will also give the way how to use the SDK SDK_2.8.0_EVK-MIMXRT1015\middleware\mcu-boot\bin\Tools and image_enc tool to realize the BEE commander line method encryption operation, then use the MFGTool download the BEE encrypted code to the RT1015 external QSPI flash.     Because from SDK2.8.0, blhost, elftosb related tools will not be packed in the SDK middleware directly, the customer need to download it from this link: www.nxp.com/mcuboot   4.1 Commander line file preparation     Prepare one folder, put elftosb.exe, image_enc.exe,app file evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.s19,RemoveBinaryBytes.exe to that folder. RemoveBinaryBytes.exe is used to modify the bin file, it can be downloaded from this link: https://community.nxp.com/pwmxy87654/attachments/pwmxy87654/imxrt/8733/2/Test.zip (https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-RT/RT1015-BEE-XIP-Step-Confirm/m-p/1070076/page/2)    Then prepare the following files: imx-flexspinor-normal-unsigned.bd imxrt1015_app_flash_sb_gen.bd burn_fuse.bd 4.1.1 imx-flexspinor-normal-unsigned.bd imx-flexspinor-normal-unsigned.bd files is used to generate the app file evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.s19 related boot .bin file, which is include the IVT header code: ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_nopadding.bin bd file content is   /*********************file start****************************/ options {     flags = 0x00;     startAddress = 0x60000000;     ivtOffset = 0x1000;     initialLoadSize = 0x2000;     //DCDFilePath = "dcd.bin";     # Note: This is required if the default entrypoint is not the Reset_Handler     #       Please set the entryPointAddress to Reset_Handler address     // entryPointAddress = 0x60002000; }   sources {     elfFile = extern(0); }   section (0) { } /*********************file end****************************/‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   4.1.2 imxrt1015_app_flash_sb_gen.bd    This file is used to configure the external QSPI flash, and realize the program function, normally use this .bd file to generate the .sb file, then use the MFGtool select this .sb file and download the code to the external flash.   /*********************file start****************************/ sources {     myBinFile = extern (0); }   section (0) {     load 0xc0000007 > 0x20202000;     load 0x0 > 0x20202004;     enable flexspinor 0x20202000;     erase  0x60000000..0x60005000;     load 0xf000000f > 0x20203000;     enable flexspinor 0x20203000;     load  myBinFile > 0x60000400; } /*********************file end****************************/‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   4.1.3 burn_fuse.bd     BEE encryption operation need to burn the fuse map, but the fuse data is the one time operation from 0 to 1, here will separate the burn fuse operation, only do the burn fuse operation during the first time which the RT chip still didn’t be modified the fuse map. Otherwise, in the next operation, just modify the app code, don’t need to burn the fuse. Burn_fuse.bd is mainly used to configure the fuse data which need to burn the related fuse map, then generate the .sb file, and use the MFGTool burn it with the app together.   /*********************file start****************************/ # The source block assign file name to identifiers sources { }   constants { }   #                !!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!! # The section block specifies the sequence of boot commands to be written to the SB file # Note: this is just a template, please update it to actual values in users' project section (0) {     # program SW_GP2     load fuse 0x76543210 > 0x29;     load fuse 0xfedcba98 > 0x2a;     load fuse 0x89abcdef > 0x2b;     load fuse 0x01234567 > 0x2c;         # Program BEE_KEY0_SEL     load fuse 0x00003000 > 0x6;     } /*********************file end****************************/‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ 4.2 BEE commander line operation steps  Create the rt1015_bee_userkey_gp2.bat file, the content is:   elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c imx-flexspinor-normal-unsigned.bd -o ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.s19 image_enc.exe hw_eng=bee ifile=ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin ofile=evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted.bin base_addr=0x60000000 region0_key=0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210 region0_arg=1,[0x60001000,0x2000,0] region0_lock=0 use_zero_key=1 is_boot_image=1 RemoveBinaryBytes.exe evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted.bin evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted_remove1K.bin 1024 elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c program_imxrt1015_qspi_encrypt_sw_gp2.bd -o boot_image_encrypt.sb evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted_remove1K.bin elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c burn_fuse.bd -o burn_fuse.sb pause‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Fig 13 Fig 14 it mainly has 5 steps: 4.2.1 elftosb generate app file with IVT header elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c imx-flexspinor-normal-unsigned.bd -o ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.s19 After this commander, will generate two files with the IVT header: ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin,ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_nopadding.bin Here, we will use the ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin 4.2.2 image_enc generate the app related BEE encrypted code image_enc.exe hw_eng=bee ifile=ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin ofile=evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted.bin base_addr=0x60000000 region0_key=0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210 region0_arg=1,[0x60001000,0x2000,0] region0_lock=0 use_zero_key=1 is_boot_image=1 About the keyword meaning in the image_enc, we can run the image_enc directly to find it. Fig 15 This commander line run result will be the same as the MCUBootUtility configuration. The encryption area from 0X60001000, the length is 0x2000, more details, can refer to Fig 4. After the operation, we can get this file: evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted.bin   4.2.3 RemoveBinaryBytes remove the BEE encrypted file above 1024 bytes RemoveBinaryBytes.exe evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted.bin evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted_remove1K.bin 1024 This commaner will used to remove the BEE encrypted file, the above 0X400 length data, after the modification, the encrypted file will start from EKIB0 directly. After running it, will get this file: evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted_remove1K.bin   4.2.4 elftosb generate BEE encrypted app related sb file elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c program_imxrt1015_qspi_encrypt_sw_gp2.bd -o boot_image_encrypt.sb evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted_remove1K.bin This commander will use evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted_remove1K.bin and program_imxrt1015_qspi_encrypt_sw_gp2.bd to generate the sb file which can use the MFGTool download the code to the external flash After running it, we can get this file: boot_image_encrypt.sb   4.2.5 elftosb generate the burn fuse related sb file elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c burn_fuse.bd -o burn_fuse.sb This commander is used to generate the BEE code related fuse bits sb file, this sb file will be burned together with the boot_image_encrypt.sb in the MFGTool. But after the fuse is burned, the next app modify operation don’t need to add the burn fuse operation, can download the add directly. After running it, can get this file: burn_fuse.sb   4.3 MFGTool downloading   MIMXRT1015-EVK board enter the serial downloader mode, find two USB cable, plug it in J41 and J9 to the PC. MFGTool can be found in folder: SDK_2.8.0_EVK-MIMXRT1015\middleware\mcu-boot\bin\Tools\mfgtools-rel   If need to burn the burn_fuse.sb, need to modify the ucl2.xml, folder path: \SDK_2.8.0_EVK-MIMXRT1015\middleware\mcu-boot\bin\Tools\mfgtools-rel\Profiles\MXRT1015\OS Firmware    Add the following list to realize it. <LIST name="MXRT1015-beefuse_DevBoot" desc="Boot Flashloader"> <!-- Stage 1, load and execute Flashloader -->        <CMD state="BootStrap" type="boot" body="BootStrap" file="ivt_flashloader.bin" > Loading Flashloader. </CMD>     <CMD state="BootStrap" type="jump"  onError = "ignore"> Jumping to Flashloader. </CMD> <!-- Stage 2, burn BEE related fuse using Flashloader -->      <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" body="get-property 1" > Get Property 1. </CMD> <!--Used to test if flashloader runs successfully-->     <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" body="receive-sb-file \"Profiles\\MXRT1015\\OS Firmware\\burn_fuse.sb\"" > Program Boot Image. </CMD>     <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" body="reset" > Reset. </CMD> <!--Reset device--> <!-- Stage 3, Program boot image into external memory using Flashloader -->       <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" body="get-property 1" > Get Property 1. </CMD> <!--Used to test if flashloader runs successfully-->     <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" timeout="15000" body="receive-sb-file \"Profiles\\MXRT1015\\OS Firmware\\ boot_image_encrypt.sb\"" > Program Boot Image. </CMD>     <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" body="Update Completed!">Done</CMD> </list>‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍     If already have burned the Fuse bits, just need to update the app, then we can use MIMXRT1015-DevBoot   <LIST name="MXRT1015-DevBoot" desc="Boot Flashloader"> <!-- Stage 1, load and execute Flashloader -->        <CMD state="BootStrap" type="boot" body="BootStrap" file="ivt_flashloader.bin" > Loading Flashloader. </CMD>     <CMD state="BootStrap" type="jump"  onError = "ignore"> Jumping to Flashloader. </CMD> <!-- Stage 2, Program boot image into external memory using Flashloader -->       <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" body="get-property 1" > Get Property 1. </CMD> <!--Used to test if flashloader runs successfully-->     <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" timeout="15000" body="receive-sb-file \"Profiles\\MXRT1015\\OS Firmware\\boot_image.sb\"" > Program Boot Image. </CMD>     <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" body="Update Completed!">Done</CMD> </list>‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Which detail list is select, it is determined by the cfg.ini name item [profiles] chip = MXRT1015 [platform] board = [LIST] name = MXRT1015-DevBoot‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   Because my side do the MCUbootUtility operation at first, then the fuse is burned, so in the commander line, I just use MXRT1015-DevBoot download the app.sb Fig 16 We can find, it is burned successfully, click stop button, Configure the MIMXRT1015-EVK on board SW8 as 1-ON,2-OFF,3-ON,4-OFF, reset the board, we can find the on board LED is blinking, it means the commander line also can finish the BEE encryption successfully.   5  MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning BEE unsigned operation      This part will use the MCUXPresso Secure Provisioning tool to finish the BEE unsigned image downloading BEE unsigned image is just use the BEE, no certification. 5.1 Tool downloading MCUXPresso Secure Provisioning download link is: https://www.nxp.com/design/software/development-software/mcuxpresso-software-and-tools-/mcuxpresso-secure-provisioning-tool:MCUXPRESSO-SECURE-PROVISIONING Download it and install it, it’s better to read the tool document at first: C:\nxp\MCUX_Provi_v2.1\MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool.pdf 5.2 Operation Steps Step1: Create the new tool workspace File->New Workspace, select the workspace path. Fig 17 Step2: Chip boot related configuration Fig 18 Here, please note, the boot type need to select as XIP Encrypted(BEE User Keys) unsigned, which is not added the HAB certification function. Step3: USB connection Connect Select USB, it will use the USB HID to connect the board in serial download mode, so the MIMXRT1015-EVK board need insert the USB port to the J9, and the board need to enter the serial download mode: SW8:1-ON,2-OFF,3-OFF,4-ON Connect Test Connection Button, the connection result is: Fig 19 We can see the connection is OK, due to this board has done the BEE operation in the previous time, so the related BEE fuse is burned, then we can find the BEE key and the key source SW-GP2 fuse already has data. Step4: image selection Just like the previous content, prepare one app image. Step 5: XIP Encryption(BEE user keys) configuration Fig 20 Here, it will need to select which engine, we select Engine0, BEE engine KEY use zero key, key source use the SW-GP2, then the detail user key data: 0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210 Will be wrote to the swGp2 fuse area. Because my board already do that fuse operation, so here it won’t burn the fuse again. Step 6: build image Fig 21 Here, we will find, after this operation, the tool will generate 5 files: 1) evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin 2) evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bootable.bin 3) evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bootable_nopadding.bin 4) evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_nopadding.bin 5) evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_nopadding_ehdr0.bin 1), 2), 3) is the plaintext file, 1) and 2) are totally the same, this file maps the data from base 0, from 0x1000 it is IVT+BD+DCD, from 0X2000 is app, so these files are the whole image, just except the FlexSPI Configuration block data, which should put from base address 0. 3) it is the 2) image just delete the first 0X1000 data, and just from IVT+BD+DCD+app. 4) ,5) is the BEE encrypted image, 4) is related to 3), just the BEE encrypted image, 5) is the EKIB0, EPRDB0 data, which should be put in the real address from 0X60000400, it is the BEE Encrypted Key Info Block 0 and Encrypted Protection Region Descriptor Block 0 data, as we just use the engine0, so just have the engin0 data. In fact, the BEE whole image contains : FlexSPI Configuration block data +IVT+BD+DCD+APP FlexSPI Configuration block data is the plaintext, but from 0X60001000 to 0X60002fff is the encrypted image. Step 7: burn the encrypted image Fig 22 Click the Write Image button, to finish the BEE image program. Here, just open the bee_user_key0.bin, we will find, it is just the user key data which is defined in Fig 20, which also should be written to the swGp2 fuse. Check the log, we will find it mainly these process: Erase image from 0x60000000, length is 0x5000. Generate the flexSPI Configuration block data, and download from 0x60000000 Burn evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_nopadding_ehdr0.bin to 0X60000400 Burn evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_nopadding.bin to 0x60001000 Modify the MIMXRT1015-EVK SW8:1-ON,2-OFF,3-ON,4-OFF, reset or repower on the board, we will find the on board led is blinking, it means the bee encrypted image already runs OK. Please note: SW8_1 is the Encrypted XIP pin, it must be enable, otherwise, even the BEE encrypted image is downloaded to the external flash, but the boot will be failed, as the ROM will use normal boot not the BEE encrypted boot. So, SW8_1 should be ON.    Following pictures are the BEE encrypted image readout file to compare with the tool generated files. Fig 23 Fig 24 Fig 25 Fig 26 Fig 27 About the MCUBootUtility lack the BEE tool image_enc.exe, we also can use the MCUXPresso Secure Provisioning’s image_enc.exe: Copy: C:\nxp\MCUX_Provi_v2.1\bin\tools\image_enc\win\ image_enc.exe To the MCUbootUtility folder: NXP-MCUBootUtility-3.2.0\tools\image_enc2\win Attachment also contains the video about this tool usage operation.    
Source code: https://github.com/JayHeng/NXP-MCUBootUtility   【v2.0.0】 Features: > 1. Support i.MXRT5xx A0, i.MXRT6xx A0 >    支持i.MXRT5xx A0, i.MXRT6xx A0 > 2. Support i.MXRT1011, i.MXRT117x A0 >    支持i.MXRT1011, i.MXRT117x A0 > 3. [RTyyyy] Support OTFAD encryption secure boot case (SNVS Key, User Key) >     [RTyyyy] 支持基于OTFAD实现的安全加密启动(唯一SNVS key,用户自定义key) > 4. [RTxxx] Support both UART and USB-HID ISP modes >     [RTxxx] 支持UART和USB-HID两种串行编程方式(COM端口/USB设备自动识别) > 5. [RTxxx] Support for converting bare image into bootable image >     [RTxxx] 支持将裸源image文件自动转换成i.MXRT能启动的Bootable image > 6. [RTxxx] Original image can be a bootable image (with FDCB) >     [RTxxx] 用户输入的源程序文件可以包含i.MXRT启动头 (FDCB) > 7. [RTxxx] Support for loading bootable image into FlexSPI/QuadSPI NOR boot device >     [RTxxx] 支持下载Bootable image进主动启动设备 - FlexSPI/QuadSPI NOR接口Flash > 8. [RTxxx] Support development boot case (Unsigned, CRC) >     [RTxxx] 支持用于开发阶段的非安全加密启动(未签名,CRC校验) > 9. Add Execute action support for Flash Programmer >     在通用Flash编程器模式下增加执行(跳转)操作 > 10. [RTyyyy] Can show FlexRAM info in device status >       [RTyyyy] 支持在device status里显示当前FlexRAM配置情况 Improvements: > 1. [RTyyyy] Improve stability of USB connection of i.MXRT105x board >     [RTyyyy] 提高i.MXRT105x目标板USB连接稳定性 > 2. Can write/read RAM via Flash Programmer >    通用Flash编程器里也支持读写RAM > 3. [RTyyyy] Provide Flashloader resident option to adapt to different FlexRAM configurations >     [RTyyyy] 提供Flashloader执行空间选项以适应不同的FlexRAM配置 Bugfixes: > 1. [RTyyyy] Sometimes tool will report error "xx.bat file cannot be found" >     [RTyyyy] 有时候生成证书时会提示bat文件无法找到,导致证书无法生成 > 2. [RTyyyy] Editing mixed eFuse fields is not working as expected >     [RTyyyy] 可视化方式去编辑混合eFuse区域并没有生效 > 3. [RTyyyy] Cannot support 32MB or larger LPSPI NOR/EEPROM device >     [RTyyyy] 无法支持32MB及以上容量的LPSPI NOR/EEPROM设备 > 4. Cannot erase/read the last two pages of boot device via Flash Programmer >    在通用Flash编程器模式下无法擦除/读取外部启动设备的最后两个Page
The i.MX RT600 MCU includes a Cadence® Tensilica® HiFi 4 DSP running at frequencies of up to 600 MHz.The XOS embedded kernel from Cadence is designed for efficient operation on embedded system built using the Xtensa architecture. Although various parts of XOS continue to be tuned for efficient performance on the Xtensa hardware, most of the code is written in standard C and is not Xtensa-specific. Click here to access the full application note.
[中文翻译版] 见附件 原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-342297
A small project I worked on was to understand how RT1050 boot-up performs from different memory types. I used the LED_blinky code from the SDK as a baseline, and ran some tests on the EVKB board. The data I gathered is described below, as well as more detailed testing procedures. Testing Procedure The boot-up time will be defined as the time from which the processor first receives power, to when it executes the first line of code from the main() function. Time was measured using an oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS 2014) between the rising edge of the POR_B* signal to the following two points: FlexSPI_CS asserted (first read of the FlexSPI by the ROM)** GPIO Toggle in application code (signals beginning of code execution).*** *The POR_B signal was available to scope through header J26-1 **The FlexSPI_CS signal is available through a small pull-up resistor on the board, R356. A small wire was soldered alongside this resistor, and was probed on the oscilloscope. ***The GPIO pin that was used was the same one that connected to USER_LED (Active low). This pin could be scoped through header J22-5. TP 2, 3, 4, and 5 are used to ground the probe of the oscilloscope. This was all done in the EVKB evaluation board. Here are a couple of noteworthy points about the test ran: This report mostly emphasizes the time between the rise of the POR_B signal, and the first line of execution of code. However, there is a time between when power is first provided to the board and the POR_B system goes up. This is a matter of power electronics and can vary depending on the user application and design. Because of this, this report will not place a huge emphasis on this. The first actual lines of code of the application is actually configuring several pins of the processor. Only after these pins are executed, does the GPIO toggle low and the time is taken on the oscilloscope. However, these lines of configuration code are executed so rapidly, that the time is ignored for the test.   Clock Configurations The bootable image was flashed to the RT1050 in all three cases. Afterwards, in MCUXpresso, the debugger was configured with “Attach Only” set to true. A debug session was then launched, and after the processor finished executing code, it was paused and the register values were read according to the RT1050 Reference Manual, chapter 18, CCM Block Diagram.  Boot Configuration: Core Clock (MHz) * FlexSPI Clock (MHz) SEMC Clock (MHz) FlexSPI 130 99 SDRAM 396 130 99 SRAM 396 130 99 *The Core Clock speed was also verified by configuring clko1 as an output with the clock speed divided by 8. This frequency was measured using an oscilloscope and verified to be 396 MHz. Results The time to chip select pin represents the moment when the first flash read happens from the RT1050 processor. The time to GPIO output represents the boot-up time.   As expected, XiP Hyperflash boots faster than other memories. SRAM and SDRAM memories must copy to executable memory before executing which will take more time and therefore boot slower. In the sections below, a more thorough explanation is provided of how these tests were ran and why Hyperflash XiP is expected to be the fastest. Hyperflash XiP Boot Up Below is an outline of the steps of what we expect the Hyperflash XiP boot-up process to look like: Power On Reset (J26-1) Begin access to Flash memory (FlexSPI_SS0) Execute in place in flash (XiP) First line of code is exectuted (USER_LED) In MCUXpresso, the map file showed the following: The oscilloscope image is below:   SDRAM Boot Up The processor will bootup from ROM, which will be told to copy an application image from the serial NOR flash memory to SDRAM (serial NOR flash uses Hyperflash communication). The RT flashloader tool will let me load up the application to the flash to be configured to copy over memory to the SDRAM and execute to it.   It is expected that copying to SDRAM will be slower than executing in place from Hyperflash since an entire copying action must take place.   The SDRAM boot-up process looks like the following: Power On Reset (J26-1) Begin access to Flash memory (FlexSPI_SS0) Copy code to SDRAM Execute in place in SDRAM (FlexSPI_SS0) First line of code is executed (USER_LED)   In MCUXpresso, the map file showed the following:   In order to run this test, I followed these instructions: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-340655. SRAM Boot Up For SRAM, a similar process to that of SDRAM is expected. The processor will first boot from internal ROM, and then go to Hyperflash. It will then copy over everything from Hyperflash to internal SRAM DTC memory and then execute from there.  The SRAM Boot Up Process follows as such: Power On Reset (J26-1) Begin access to Flash memory (FlexSPI_SS0) Copy code to SRAM Execute in place in SRAM (FlexSPI_SS0) First line of code is executed (USER_LED)   In MCUXpresso, the map file showed the following:   This document was generated from the following discussion: javascript:;
The RT600 is a family of dual-core microcontrollers for embedded applications featuring an Arm® Cortex®-M33 CPU combined with a Cadence® Tensilica ® HiFi 4 audio DSP core.  Check out this latest app note to learn about communication and debugging of these two cores.  For list of all i.MX RT600 app notes, visit: nxp.com/imxrt600
Source code: https://github.com/JayHeng/NXP-MCUBootUtility 【v1.3.0】 Features: > 1. Can generate .sb file by actions in efuse operation utility window >    支持生成仅含自定义efuse烧写操作(在efuse operation windows里指定)的.sb格式文件 Improvements: > 1. HAB signed mode should not appliable for FlexSPI/SEMC NOR device Non-XIP boot with RT1020/1015 ROM >    HAB签名模式在i.MXRT1020/1015下应不支持从FlexSPI NOR/SEMC NOR启动设备中Non-XIP启动 > 2. HAB encrypted mode should not appliable for FlexSPI/SEMC NOR device boot with RT1020/1015 ROM >    HAB加密模式在i.MXRT1020/1015下应不支持从FlexSPI NOR/SEMC NOR启动设备中启动 > 3. Multiple .sb files(all, flash, efuse) should be generated if there is efuse operation in all-in-one action >    当All-In-One操作中包含efuse烧写操作时,会生成3个.sb文件(全部操作、仅flash操作、仅efuse操作) > 4. Can generate .sb file without board connection when boot device type is NOR >    当启动设备是NOR型Flash时,可以不用连接板子直接生成.sb文件 > 5. Automatic image readback can be disabled to save operation time >    一键操作下的自动程序回读可以被禁掉,用以节省操作时间 > 6. The text of language option in menu bar should be static and easy understanding >    菜单栏里的语言选项标签应该是静态且易于理解的(中英双语同时显示) Bugfixes: > 1. Cannot generate bootable image when original image (hex/bin) size is larger than 64KB >    当输入的源image文件格式为hex或者bin且其大小超过64KB时,生成可启动程序会失败 > 2. Cannot download large image file (eg 6.8MB) in some case >    当输入的源image文件非常大时(比如6.8MB),下载可能会超时失败 > 3. There is language switch issue with some dynamic labels >    当切换显示语言时,有一些控件标签(如Connect按钮)不能实时更新 > 4. Some led demos of RT1050 EVKB board are invalid >    /apps目录下RT1050 EVKB板子的一些LED demo是无效的 【v1.4.0】 Features: > 1. Support for loading bootable image into uSDHC SD/eMMC boot device >    支持下载Bootable image进主动启动设备 - uSDHC接口SD/eMMC卡 > 2. Provide friendly way to view and set mixed eFuse fields >    支持更直观友好的方式去查看/设置某些混合功能的eFuse区域 Improvements: > 1. Set default FlexSPI NOR device to align with NXP EVK boards >    默认FlexSPI NOR device应与恩智浦官方EVK板卡相匹配 > 2. Enable real-time gauge for Flash Programmer actions >    为通用Flash编程器里的操作添加实时进度条显示
[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/community/imx/blog/2019/04/17/do-you-have-a-minute 
This document describes how to program a bootable image into the recovery Flash device using i.MX RT600 MCUs. Click here to access the full application note.