Hi All,
I try to debug an SW issue on my EVK-IMX8M-Nano using JLINK debugger + openocd
As I understand the rest 3 cores are in the idle state, so no debug is available for them. So, how can I turn them on? Is it possible to use DBPRCR reg to emulates a powerdown? I want to modify an openocd script to power on all cores and be able to USE all of them with openocd on Linux boot-up.
Can someone help me with this?
Thanks in advance!
Hi, I'm in a similar situation, currently working with 8MNANOD3L-EVK and a J-Link Ultra+.
With OpenOCD 0.11.0, there is support for i.MX8MQ which appears to work for my board, in that I can break and continue from gdb while the system is in uboot, using openocd like this:
openocd -f interface/jlink.cfg -f board/nxp_mcimx8m-evk.cfg -c init -c halt
However, when my system starts loading Linux, I get DAP errors from OpenOCD - the CPU keeps running but the JTAG seems to be disconnected.
I've tried setting the kernel boot arguments to include the following, with no noticeable effect:
Aha, I've got this working. Invoking OpenOCD as above, and adding cpuidle.off=1 to the Linux kernel boot args is sufficient. Those other args might also be helpful, but aren't necessary for basic debugging.
Time to start looking in to the problem I set out to solve!