Hello,I come here for your help!
It is like this: Use LTC3589-1 as a PMIC For iMX536, connet LDO1 to NVCC_SRTC_1V3. When not Powrn ON, the LDO1 out is 1.3V,after power on,LDO1 changes to 1.8V.when I Cut off the connectiong between NVCC_SRTC_1V3 and LTC3589-1's LDO1,NVCC_SRTC_1V3's voltage is 1.8V,and LDO1's voltage is 1.3V.
Is there something settings wrong?
PS: LDO power input VDD_REG is measured as 2.5V.
Check the following signals in your schematic:
These signals also use NVCC_SRTC_POW as power source.
Probably, you had one of these signals connected to IC that uses 1.8V level,
and it got leaked to NVCC_SRTC_POW pin.