SOM: imx8mp (from variscite) with Cortex A-53 (Linux), Cortex M-7(FreeRTOS)
BSP: mx8mp-yocto-hardknott-5.10.72_2.2.1-v1.1
Our custom carrier board uses the KSZ9131RNX chip instead of ADIN 1300, We see that the PHY link is established and see the interface eth0 being configured.
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The issue is solved, the receive clock signal delay had to be fine tuned to configure correctly.
We have a similar issue. We are using KSZ9477 switch in our design which is connected to imx8mp EQOS mac via port 6 (RGMII) of switch. We are able to see eth1 is up. But IPv4/ inet (IP address) is not showing up as you mentioned in your post. Can I know how did you exactly manage to solve the issue? Which receive clock signal delay you are talking about and how did you come up with the proper value? It would be helpful if you share me the details.