I'was porting SIMCOM SIM8200G(5G Modem) to [i.MX8MP][Android 11.0.0_2.2.0]
I met errors:
11-08 12:12:51.903 908 908 I HidlServiceManagement: getService: Trying again for android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot1...
11-08 12:12:51.920 278 1417 W libc : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot1": error code: 0x20
11-08 12:12:52.770 531 542 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again
(see logcatlog1.txt)
related modifications:
PRODUCT_PACKAGES += android.hardware.radio@1.2-service
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl" optional="true">
Could you give me suggestions to solve this problem?
Hi Tarker
for modem intgration in Android example may be useful :
Best regards