I'm having an issue creating a DDR stress test file for 2GB LPDDR4.
The Register Configuration generates a stress test file that is the same as a 4GB LPPDDR4 file.
Please compare the files I have included and advice.
I figured out my problem. I had the "Number of Chip Selects used" wrong.
I had the number of chip selects as 2 in stead of 1.
I was thinking total number of chip selects not chip selects per channel.
Thanks for your help.
Hello Michael Norton,
I was reviewing other stress tool scripts and it’s my understanding that the RAM size is detected by the stress test tool. It can additionally be selected from the GUI. If both memories have similar timing parameters and number of addresses row and columns the scrips could be identical. Have you tested this script on both kinds of boards?
I hope this helps!