We are using MCU PN MIMXRT1051CVL5B.
The Boot will be through an external 8Mb serial NOR Flash using the NXP 3.3V FlexSPI port A secondary pins.
In our design, the only available config pins (that are used as configuration pins) are boot_mode[0] and boot_mode[1].
boot_cfc2[2:0] are GPIOs pins and can't be used as the boot configuration pins in our design because we planned to be in the boot from fuses mode and not the internal boot mode.
When we try to program the fuses by serial downloader, an error occurs saying that the external memory wasn't found.
How can we program the fuses without reading the boot_cfc2[2:0] and connecting to the external memory?
Hello @sapirbuz
Could you please describe your question more detail and correct.
->> Do you meaning boot_cfg2[2:0] ? And this is not pin, it is Fuse.
oot_mode[0] and boot_mode[1] are the boot pins.
We want to burn the fuses to define the secondary flash as a boot device, but we can't do it because we can't connect to the flashloader, and we can't connect to the flashloader because we can't burn the fuses.
please see the pictures below: