I'm currently developing a secure boot solution for one of our customers using i.MX8DXL
why the SECO API (sc_seco_authenticate() api) inside the authenticate_os_container() api from the NXP Guide is called 3 times?
authenticate_os_container api code:
int authenticate_os_container(ulong addr) { struct container_hdr *phdr; int i, ret = 0; int err; sc_rm_mr_t mr; sc_faddr_t start, end; u16 length; struct boot_img_t *img; unsigned long s, e; if (addr % 4) { puts("Error: Image's address is not 4 byte aligned\n"); return -EINVAL; } .....
for (i = 0; i < phdr->num_images; i++) { img = (struct boot_img_t *)(addr + sizeof(struct container_hdr) + i * sizeof(struct boot_img_t)); debug("img %d, dst 0x%x, src 0x%x, size 0x%x\n", i, (uint32_t) img->dst, img->offset + addr, img->size); memcpy((void *)img->dst, (const void *)(img->offset + addr), img->size);
err = sc_seco_authenticate(-1, SC_SECO_VERIFY_IMAGE, (1 << i)); if (err) { printf("Authenticate img %d failed, return %d\n", i, err); ret = -EIO; }
exit: if (sc_seco_authenticate(-1, SC_SECO_REL_CONTAINER, 0) != SC_ERR_NONE) printf("Error: release container failed!\n"); return ret; }
What do the sc_seco_authenticate apis called 3 times authenticate the signed image?
(At each step, which part of the signed image is authenticated?)