Need Open Accessory Support (provided in Android 3.1 and back supported to 2.3.4). Cannot identify inclusion in Android R10.4.
Need to provide serial communication in Android via FTDI usb-to-serial adapter.
Can anyone tell me if it's included and if not How to add this support?
Has anyone done any serial-RS232 communication via USB on the Mx51 BBG or Mx53 EVK's ?
Thanks for any and all input!
The kernel of Android 2.3.4 can support USB Serial already. The user needs to enable the corresponding USB Serial driver of kernel. For example, I want to enable USB Serial for PL2303. I need to set "CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_PL2303" of kernel. Then I can use a test application named "SerialPort" (Downloads - android-serialport-api - Accessing serial ports for Android - Google Project Hosting) to check USB Serial function.
Regarding Android Open Accessory mode, the user still needs to implement the corresponding driver into a library called by Android application. Here is an example, mik3y/usb-serial-for-android · GitHub My understanding is the Android Open Accessory mode provides a consistent interface, but the user has to do the implementation.
Best Regards,
Thanks for your response.
You are partially correct.
The Kernel drivers must be enabled.
However, the test application is simply not applicable for 2.3.4+ as it requires 3.1+ a different library (android.hardware.usb.*) whereas 2.3.4+ only supports a subset in (android.future.usb.*)
I have yet to see ANY sample test applications which support 2.3.4+ (API-10).
While an extensive rewrite may be possible - but it seems more likely easier to write your own based on Google's 2.3.4 documentation....