USB Microphone on SabreLite

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USB Microphone on SabreLite

Contributor IV

Hi everyone

I'm trying to stream an USB Microphone over the network with the SabreLite.


gst-launch alsasrc device=hw:1 ! audioconvert ! audioresample  ! alawenc ! rtppcmapay ! udpsink host= port=5001


gst-launch udpsrc port=5001 caps="application/x-rtp" ! rtppcmadepay ! alawdec ! alsasink

This MIC and my gstreamer commands used to work on the Sabre Board.

When i plug the MIC, it is detected by the SabreLite, since the following message appears:

hid-generic 0003:074D:3556.0007: input: USB HID v1.00 Device [Micronas UAC3556B]

on usb-ci_hdrc.1-1.1/input3

On the sabre board, i used to be able to see the MIC in alsamixer in the list of other device. It doesn't appear on the sabre lite

In my opinion, the USB device is detected by the sabre lite, but not as a microphone.

How do i solve that? Do i have to install special drivers? Am i missing something?

Moreover, i don't know if my question should be asked here or on the Boundary device community (i can't find their forums).

EDIT: i'm building the fsl-image-multimedia (dizzy) image on the Sabre-Lite. I was using the fsl-image-gui (dora if i remember well) previously

Any pointers would be of great help.

Best regards

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2 Replies

Contributor IV

I managed to make my microphone appear in alsamixer by building the fsl-image-gui (dora).

But when i start streaming, i get the following message:

cannot submit datapipe for urb 0, error -28: not enough bandwidth

ps: the mic is unmuted in alsamixer

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Contributor IV

it seems like any usb Device is detected but not working properly because when i plug a USB Webcam, it doesn't work when i call /dev/videoX in gstreamer.

Same case if i use a powered USB switch

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