There is a problem in burning the android-10.0.0_2.5.0_image to the EMMC of 8 mmevk

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There is a problem in burning the android-10.0.0_2.5.0_image to the EMMC of 8 mmevk

Contributor III

Hi NXP team

I am using 8m mini evk lpddr4 borad to test android-10.0.0_2.5.0_image_8mmevk image .

I know that the demo image of Android 10.0 only supports EMMC boot, but when I use the command(uuu_imx_android_flash.bat -f imx8mm -a -e or uuu_imx_android_flash.bat -f imx8mm -u trusty) to burn, it will fail, and the burning of Android_O8 or Android_ P9 can succeed. What's the problem?


H:\imx8mm\android-10.0.0_2.5.0_image_8mmevk>uuu_imx_android_flash.bat -f imx8mm -u trusty
This script is validated with uuu 1.3.124 version, it is recommended to align wi
th this version.
dtbo is supported
dual slot is supported
dynamic partition is supported
generate lines to flash u-boot-imx8mm-trusty.imx to the partition of bootloader0

generate lines to flash partition-table.img to the partition of gpt
generate lines to flash dtbo-imx8mm.img to the partition of dtbo_a
generate lines to flash boot.img to the partition of boot_a
generate lines to flash vbmeta-imx8mm.img to the partition of vbmeta_a
generate lines to flash dtbo-imx8mm.img to the partition of dtbo_b
generate lines to flash boot.img to the partition of boot_b
generate lines to flash vbmeta-imx8mm.img to the partition of vbmeta_b
lpmake.exe I 12-17 10:42:53 1140 8700 builder.cpp:937] [liblp]Partition system
_a will resize from 0 bytes to 919138304 bytes
lpmake.exe I 12-17 10:42:53 1140 8700 builder.cpp:937] [liblp]Partition system
_b will resize from 0 bytes to 919138304 bytes
lpmake.exe I 12-17 10:42:53 1140 8700 builder.cpp:937] [liblp]Partition vendor
_a will resize from 0 bytes to 76460032 bytes
lpmake.exe I 12-17 10:42:53 1140 8700 builder.cpp:937] [liblp]Partition vendor
_b will resize from 0 bytes to 76460032 bytes
lpmake.exe I 12-17 10:42:53 1140 8700 builder.cpp:937] [liblp]Partition produc
t_a will resize from 0 bytes to 335372288 bytes
lpmake.exe I 12-17 10:42:53 1140 8700 builder.cpp:937] [liblp]Partition produc
t_b will resize from 0 bytes to 335372288 bytes
generate lines to flash super.img to the partition of super
uuu script generated, start to invoke uuu with the generated uuu script
uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- libuuu_1.4.69-0-g63b1d3c

Your console don't support VT mode, fail back to verbose mode
Build in config:
Pctl Chip Vid Pid BcdVersion
SDPS: MX8QXP 0x1fc9 0x012f [0x0002..0xffff]
SDPS: MX8QM 0x1fc9 0x0129 [0x0002..0xffff]
SDPS: MX8DXL 0x1fc9 0x0147
SDPS: MX28 0x15a2 0x004f
SDPS: MX815 0x1fc9 0x013e
SDPS: MX865 0x1fc9 0x0146
SDP: MX7D 0x15a2 0x0076
SDP: MX6Q 0x15a2 0x0054
SDP: MX6D 0x15a2 0x0061
SDP: MX6SL 0x15a2 0x0063
SDP: MX6SX 0x15a2 0x0071
SDP: MX6UL 0x15a2 0x007d
SDP: MX6ULL 0x15a2 0x0080
SDP: MX6SLL 0x1fc9 0x0128
SDP: MX7ULP 0x1fc9 0x0126
SDP: MXRT106X 0x1fc9 0x0135
SDP: MX8MM 0x1fc9 0x0134
SDP: MX8MQ 0x1fc9 0x012b
SDPU: SPL 0x0525 0xb4a4 [0x0000..0x04ff]
SDPV: SPL1 0x0525 0xb4a4 [0x0500..0x9998]
SDPU: SPL 0x0525 0xb4a4 [0x9999..0x9999]
SDPU: SPL 0x3016 0x1001 [0x0000..0x04ff]
SDPV: SPL1 0x3016 0x1001 [0x0500..0x9998]
FBK: 0x066f 0x9afe
FBK: 0x066f 0x9bff
FB: 0x0525 0xa4a5
FB: 0x18d1 0x0d02
FB: 0x3016 0x0001
Wait for Known USB Device Appear...
New USB Device Attached at 2:2
2:2>Start Cmd:SDP: boot -f
6400%2:2>Okay (0.871s)
New USB Device Attached at 2:2
2:2>Start Cmd:SDPV: delay 1000
2:2>Okay (0.998s)
2:2>Start Cmd:SDPV: write -f -skipspl
2:2>Fail HID(W):LIBUSB_ERROR_IO(0.002s)



H:\imx8mm\android-10.0.0_2.5.0_image_8mmevk>uuu_imx_android_flash.bat -f imx8mm -a -e
This script is validated with uuu 1.3.124 version, it is recommended to align wi
th this version.
dtbo is supported
dual slot is supported
dynamic partition is supported
generate lines to flash u-boot-imx8mm.imx to the partition of bootloader0
generate lines to flash partition-table.img to the partition of gpt
generate lines to flash dtbo-imx8mm.img to the partition of dtbo_a
generate lines to flash boot.img to the partition of boot_a
generate lines to flash vbmeta-imx8mm.img to the partition of vbmeta_a
lpmake.exe I 12-17 10:16:13 4324 7832 builder.cpp:937] [liblp]Partition system
_a will resize from 0 bytes to 919138304 bytes
lpmake.exe I 12-17 10:16:13 4324 7832 builder.cpp:937] [liblp]Partition vendor
_a will resize from 0 bytes to 76460032 bytes
lpmake.exe I 12-17 10:16:13 4324 7832 builder.cpp:937] [liblp]Partition produc
t_a will resize from 0 bytes to 335372288 bytes
generate lines to flash super.img to the partition of super
uuu script generated, start to invoke uuu with the generated uuu script
uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- libuuu_1.4.69-0-g63b1d3c

Your console don't support VT mode, fail back to verbose mode
Build in config:
Pctl Chip Vid Pid BcdVersion
SDPS: MX8QXP 0x1fc9 0x012f [0x0002..0xffff]
SDPS: MX8QM 0x1fc9 0x0129 [0x0002..0xffff]
SDPS: MX8DXL 0x1fc9 0x0147
SDPS: MX28 0x15a2 0x004f
SDPS: MX815 0x1fc9 0x013e
SDPS: MX865 0x1fc9 0x0146
SDP: MX7D 0x15a2 0x0076
SDP: MX6Q 0x15a2 0x0054
SDP: MX6D 0x15a2 0x0061
SDP: MX6SL 0x15a2 0x0063
SDP: MX6SX 0x15a2 0x0071
SDP: MX6UL 0x15a2 0x007d
SDP: MX6ULL 0x15a2 0x0080
SDP: MX6SLL 0x1fc9 0x0128
SDP: MX7ULP 0x1fc9 0x0126
SDP: MXRT106X 0x1fc9 0x0135
SDP: MX8MM 0x1fc9 0x0134
SDP: MX8MQ 0x1fc9 0x012b
SDPU: SPL 0x0525 0xb4a4 [0x0000..0x04ff]
SDPV: SPL1 0x0525 0xb4a4 [0x0500..0x9998]
SDPU: SPL 0x0525 0xb4a4 [0x9999..0x9999]
SDPU: SPL 0x3016 0x1001 [0x0000..0x04ff]
SDPV: SPL1 0x3016 0x1001 [0x0500..0x9998]
FBK: 0x066f 0x9afe
FBK: 0x066f 0x9bff
FB: 0x0525 0xa4a5
FB: 0x18d1 0x0d02
FB: 0x3016 0x0001
Wait for Known USB Device Appear...
New USB Device Attached at 2:2
2:2>Start Cmd:SDP: boot -f
6400%2:2>Okay (1.953s)
New USB Device Attached at 2:2
2:2>Start Cmd:SDPV: delay 1000
2:2>Okay (0.993s)
2:2>Start Cmd:SDPV: write -f -skipspl
2:2>Fail HID(W):LIBUSB_ERROR_IO(0.003s)

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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

I have tested on my imx8mm lpddr4 evk board successfully, pls see the screenshot as below:


I tested on my win10 PC, and I tested uuu 1.3.124 version and 1.4.43 version


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