I am trying to flash iMX8ML processor (using imx8mp-lpddr4-evk.conf file) in custom board. Is my configuration file correct to flash iMX8ML processor? In the custom board I am using Micro AB USB connector. We are trying to flash using usb1 port. but after bootloader the flashing process stucked.
What changes I have to made to flash using micro AB USB connector.? Please suggest. I have attached the log for the same. can someone please guide here to flash the board.
It is very clear debug log information the custom board has no typeC chip different from the i.MX8MP evk.
The NXP bsp release is design for the i.MX8MP evk board, which has typeC chip.
Please remove the typeC configuration in uboot configuration file.
if the custom board has no usb id pin as otg, you can use the dr_mode with "peripheral" in dts.
And finished the necessary modification according to the custom board hardware design.
tcpc_init: Can't find device id=0x50
setup_typec: tcpc port2 init failed, err=-19
tcpc_init: Can't find device id=0x50
setup_typec: tcpc port1 init failed, err=-19
i.MX boot ROM in (USB) serial downloader mode configures
i.MX USB port as a HID devices. USB3 (/ C) is not supported at this
stage. Under UUU, i.MX boot ROM is used only to download u-boot.imx
via HID device, then the following configuring is a prerogative of
U-boot. Customers can adapt (UUU) U-boot as needed.
Also it is possible to use TFTP under U-boot