I recently bought MAC57D5 and segger J-link edu for my university project. I tried to connect to a NXP MAC57D54H with a Segger J-Link edu in J-Link Commander. I'm having trouble. I tried different possible solution listed below
I add jlinkscript file but an error occurred TDO is constant high
segger jlink mac57d54h mac57d5xx
I have been having the same problem, I guess the information provided on the NXP website about the debuggers for MAC57D5 may be false since the supported device list for segger J-link does not include MAC57D5. I hope some one could help out in this regard. I would encourage some from NXP to come out and explain this discrepancy.
Late response:)
You can connect to M4 by putting in command:
exec CORESIGHT_SetIndexAHBAPToUse = 3
connect (chose generic m4 if asked)
I'm programing it with Crossworks where I can write my own flash loader.
In order to connect with crossworks omit 'exec'