Hi guys,
Could you please tell me how to interface and communicate using a SPI to an EEPROM ? (That is use commands like READ, WRITE etc)
The eeprom is made by ISSI, Inc. This is based on a imx35 chipset.
Hello Rooney!
I was able to solve it, In a way.
Basically you need to go through the EEPROM data sheets thoroughly. The problem was solved by creating a few functions like eeprom_read etc, a in C source file and using it in the bootloader stage itself.
I compiled it with Barebox as a barebox command and used it at the barebox command prompt.
Regarding the C source file, basically all you need to do is assign the proper values in the related CSPI registers for IMX. This you can read about in the IMX53 Reference manual, there are a few registers like - RxData, TxData, CONREG etc.
Just go through the CSPI interfacing part in the manual and I believe you will find the desired registers to achieve a solution.
P.S - Let me know if I was helpful. If not, i will try to dig up more info for you.
Hello Aditya!
Could you solve your problem?
I'm facing nearly the same issue. I want to use the SPI interface of the i.MX53 to read and write data, but I don't know how to configure the SPI interface using the functions provided by the kernel.