Hi Yuri,
I have the same problem and the latest available verson is still
Could you email me the link to Mfgtools-Rel_1.6.2.055 release?
My email address: aleksa@decode.rs
Best regards,
Hello Yuri,
I have the same problem with USB 3.0. Could you please send me the link for the Mfg-tools?
Thank you.
My email addressis : frank.trilling@maxcess.eu
Hello Yuri,
I have the same problem with USB 3.0. Could you please send me the link for the Mfg-tools?
Thank you.
My email address is : jbaron@brioconcept.com
Hi Yuri,
Another request for the manufacturing tool that plays nicely with USB3 hosts!
Email is phil[dot]valentine[at]smithsdetection[dot]com
Any idea why the link on the website still hasn't been updated?
Many thanks!