I need to switch to virtual console.
I try, but have an issue. Cannot switch to virtual console sometimes.
Could you please tell me this solution?
About details, please refer below.
Evaluation Kit : 8MMINILPD4-EVK (Connect HDMI cable, USB keyboard and USB mouse.)
Linux for i.MX : Linux 5.4.70_2.3.0 (Download "L5.4.70-2.3.0_images_MX8MMEVK.zip" and flash "imx-image-full-imx8mmevk.wic" to SD card.)
1.Trun on the power to evaluation kit. Then boot from SD card.
->Wayland Weston desktop is shown on the screen.
2.Press "Ctrl + Alt + Fn1(or Fn2-Fn6)" key to switch to virtual console.
->Virtual console screen is shown for a second, then Wayland Weston desktop is shown.
Move the mouse, but the pointer on the screen does not move.
3. Press "Ctrl + Alt + Fn7" key to return Wayland Weston desktop.
->Move the mouse, the pointer on the screen moves normally.
4.Click weston-terminal icon on toolbar and execute weston-terminal. Input some keys on terminal.
Then press "Ctrl + Alt + Fn1(or Fn2-Fn6)" key to switch to virtual console.
->Can switch to virtual console normally.
5. Press "Ctrl + Alt + Fn7" key to return Wayland Weston desktop.
->Wayland Weston desktop is shown.
6.Press "Ctrl + Alt + Fn1(or Fn2-Fn6)" key to switch to virtual console again.
->Same result as procedure 2. Then input some keys.
7. Press "Ctrl + Alt + Fn7" key to return Wayland Weston desktop.
->Move the mouse, the pointer on the screen moves normally.
8.Click weston-terminal icon on toolbar and execute weston-terminal. Input some keys on terminal.
Then press "Ctrl + Alt + Fn1(or Fn2-Fn6)" key to switch to virtual console.
->Can switch to virtual console normally.
And keys which I input at procedure 6 are shown virtual console screen.
I think there is issue when switch the screen.
Switching control works normally because we can input key.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Best regards,
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I have confimed this issue.It seems weston bug.You can see the mouse can not move because the visual console is opened,but the weston don't show.I am trying to find out the problem.