From my customer:
We have found that the IPU can be enabled and set to provide deinterlace support on Android.
The VPU decode (VpuDecComponent.cpp) tries to open /dev/mxc_ipu and fails due to a permissions problem. Using:
chmod 666 /dev/mxc_ipu
allows the open to succeed and the IPU will be used to deinterlace.
There is information about enabling the IPU for decode in the following forum threads:
The latter thread mentions that the deinterlace mode is disabled because "we found some problem for IPU in MX6Q, will cause system hang in some cases. This issue is still in checking."
It used to be if opening the /data/omx_post_process file mentioned in that thread failed the code would explicitly disable IPU post processing. That code has been removed, so it appears that the current situation where the IPU post processing is disabled might be just an accident of the permissions on the /dev/mxc_ipu device.
So, we're wondering if there's still a concern about the system hang if the IPU post-processing is activated? Is there any information about how the hang might be reproduced so we can verify that it no longer occurs?
We already escalated your issue so we are in process to get some details about this issue.
Qiang_FSL Mar 25, 2014 10:17 PM (in response to jamesbone)
The issue hasn't been fixed.
It is a ramdon issue, after enabled de-interlace in OMX, then use gallary to playback 1080i video, there is chance to get the hang up issue.
Qiang Li, my customer would like to know the symptoms of the IPU hang issue during de-interlacing. Can you describe the symptoms they would see on the display if the IPU hang issue happens? This will help them to know if they experience the issue.
How to reproduce this issue:
Run JB4.2.2 on a MX6Q SabreSD board.
Single Hannstar XGA LVDS panel display.
Enable the de-interlace feature:
# echo 2 > /data/omx_post_process
# chmod 777 /data/omx_post_process
Play interlaced 1080i video clip in gallary.
Press home key to stop video play and press gallary icon to resume playing in turn quickly.
The board will hang randomly.
Thanks Qiang Li! Can you describe what symptoms occur on the display when the board hangs during IPU de-interlacing? Do you have screen shot or picture you can share?