I have a system of ui ,and it is base on Directfb library.It is running on imx53.
So the graphic layer of system is created by Directfb,and not created by imx-lib of IPUV3.
Now,I need to close colorkey and open alpha by imx-lib.
I don't know how to do.
Can I get address of overlay physical buffer by mxc_ipu_lib_task_buf_update(), and close colorkey by Overlay buffer parameter( struct: ipu_lib_overlay_param_t )?
Can any one help me?
best regard,
hi, Ethan,
Are you trying to disable colorkey between fb0 & fb2?
Are you using imx-lib to do combination?
There are two combination method provided by IPU, one is from IPU-DP (fb0 & fb2), one is from IPU-IC (imx-lib), I think you want to disable IPU-DP's colorkey, which should done by fb ioctl MXCFB_SET_CLR_KEY.