I am current using imx6Q processor to interface with external display at 1920x1080@60. The kernel version is 3.0.35 for this setup.
Currently I have two display connected one on LVDS and another one on HDMI.
During boot time uboot check if HDMI is connected it load HDMI display setting and start display process.
I am able to see display resolution less that 1920x1080 like 1280x720p@60 etc.
But on 1920x1080@60 its throwing following warning and error:
imx-ipuv3 imx-ipuv3.0: IPU Warning - IPU_INT_STAT_10 = 0x00080000
imx-ipuv3 imx-ipuv3.0: IPU Warning - IPU_INT_STAT_5 = 0x10000000
imx-ipuv3 imx-ipuv3.0: IPU Warning - IPU_INT_STAT_5 = 0x00800000
imx-ipuv3 imx-ipuv3.0: IPU Warning - IPU_INT_STAT_10 = 0x00100000
mxc_sdc_fb mxc_sdc_fb.0: timeout when waiting for flip irq
mxc_sdc_fb mxc_sdc_fb.0: timeout when waiting for flip irq
mxc_sdc_fb mxc_sdc_fb.0: timeout when waiting for flip irq
In this case external display on HDMI is totally blacked out.
I also used solution mentioned under this post:
Where you guys told to increase IPU buffer size using bootarg "dmfc=3", its changing buffer to
"imx-ipuv3 imx-ipuv3.0: IPU DMFC ONLY-DP HIGH RESOLUTION: 5B(0~3), 5F(4~7)" but its doesn't resolve issue still my external screen not showing any display and I am getting IRQ timeout error.
I have attached the log file during bootup time for reference.
Also I have found in your kernel release note for version 4.1.15 that we cannot change HDMI configuration from kernel setting:
Is there any limitation in kernel version 3.0.35 regarding changing resolution to 1920x1080@60 from kernel.
Could you clarify whether 1920x1080@60 is supported by kernel version 3.0.35 or is there any workaround to run this configuration.