I have been unsuccessfully trying to run evkcmimxrt1060_lvgl_guider_bm example. After pressing the debug button in MCUXPRESSO, a hardfault is produced. The fault is produced due to an INVSTATE.
This is a custom board with the MIMXRT1062 MCU, where a 8MB HYPERRAM IC is connected to FLEXSPI2 and used as external memory. The flash memory is a 16MB SOIC NOR connected to FLEXSPI1. The display is a 1024x600 LVDS display connected to the ELCDIF interface via a SN65LVDS93A (RGB to LVDS converter IC).
After some tweaking and with the help of kerryzhou I have been able to run the evkmimxrt1060_elcdif_rgb succesfully with acceptable FPS. The details about that conversation is in this topic: https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Processors/evkmimxrt1060-elcdif-rgb-performance-issues/m-p/1739838...
Now, that I know the hardware is correct, I moved to next stage, which is to test the display using LVGL. Unfortunately I haven't been able to make it work yet, because of the INVSTATE hardfault. This happens every time I press debug and immediatly after the flash is written in the target. Please see picture below.
Does this mean that the culprit is in the address 0x0000810C?
I have attached the MCUX project which is the modified example for my custom board.
Please @kerryzhou or @jeremyzhou give me a helping hand. I have tried lots and lots of things with no result.
Thank you,